Internal meeting on preparation of national and sub-national spatially crop yield and yield gap from Global Agro-Ecological Zoning (GAEZ)

The meeting aims to showcase the practical benefits of using the GAEZ dataset and vegetation indices for preparing spatially aggregated crop yield and yield gap data at national and sub-national levels. This involves leveraging remote sensing technologies to collect spatially disaggregated data for comprehensive assessments of land cover, crop health, and environmental conditions. Integration of such data enables stakeholders to optimize resource allocation and promote sustainable agricultural development, as demonstrated by successful implementations in countries like Libya, Myanmar, and Sudan.
14:00 - 14:05
Welcoming and introduction
Mr Matieu Henry, a.i. head, Geospatial Unit, Technical Officer, Geospatial Unit, Land and Water Division (NSL)
14:05 - 14:20
Utilizing the GAEZ datasets for spatially disaggregated crop yield analysis
Ms Rutendo Mukaratirwa, Geospatial expert, Geospatial Unit, Technical Officer, Geospatial Unit, Land and Water Division (NSL)
14:20: - 14:30
Case studies of successful implementation (Libya, Myanmar)
Mr Gautam Dadhich, Geospatial expert, Geospatial Unit, Technical Officer, Geospatial Unit, Land and Water Division (NSL)
14:30: - 14:50
Q&A Session
Mr Haekoo Kim, Technical officer, Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP)
14:50 – 15:00
Closing remarks
Mr Yurdi Yasmi (NSP), Deputy Director/Special Coordinator, Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP)