Informations géospatiales à l’appui de systèmes alimentaires durables


This publication provides the GAEZ v4 model documentation for (1) Agro-climatic analysis, (2) Crop biomass and yield calculations, (3) Land Utilization Types, (4) Observed phenology and crop...
Agriculture has an important role in North Macedonia and in 2017 it accounted for 7.9 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the country. However, agriculture’s share of the country’s GDP has been decreasing...
Agriculture contributes approximately one-quarter of provincial gross domestic product (GDP) in the Punjab Province. The provincial share is two-third of the total national agricultural output, leading in major commodities meant for food security in the...
Due to more and more frequent extreme climate events (floods, drought, and frosts) and due to the changes in precipitation (amounts, seasonality, intensity) and warming temperatures that are impacting rainfed agriculture and changing growing seasons,...
Agriculture is crucial for the national economy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Adoption of new strategies for agriculture monitoring, rural land use planning, and management are urgently required to reduce hunger and...