General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Report of the Working Group on Recreational Fisheries (WGRF)

8 March, 2022 -9 March, 2022


Download the report (available only in English): PDF


The meeting of the Working Group on Recreational Fisheries (WGRF) was held online on 8–9 March 2022. The WGRF was attended by 102 participants, including scientific experts, representatives from administrations of Mediterranean and Black Sea riparian states as well as representatives from multiple organizations. The main objectives of the meeting were to provide advice on the state of recreational fisheries (RF) data collection in the GFCM area of competence, as well as to produce technical elements in relation to the GFCM pending recommendation on minimum rules for sustainable recreational fishing activities in the Mediterranean Sea (geographical subareas 1 to 27). The WGRF provided advice on the potential list of species for RF, in particular highlighting the need to include GFCM priority species caught by RF, non-indigenous species and vulnerable species. In addition, the WGRF provided recommendations on the research needs for RF, suggesting studies on socio-economic aspects, post-release mortality, technical features of fishing gear, impacts on the ecosystems and estimation of illegal, unreported, unregulated fishing. The WGRF also agreed on a workplan for 2022/2023, including elements for the preparation of a concept note for a regional research programme on RF.