
Training in TimeSync Remote Sensing Sampling Tool to Improve Classifications of Land Cover Classes for GHG Inventory

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),SERVIR-Mekong,SilvaCarbon,United States Forest Service (USFS),United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

The United States Geological Survey (USGS), Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Center, and Google Earth Engine (GEE) will deliver regional training in the use of the TimeSync remote-sensing sampling tool, that can be used in combination with Collect Earth to improve land-cover classifications.
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Strengthening of the forest data management and analysis process for making decisions.

International Partner(s): Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD),Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ),REDD+ Regional Program,Selva Maya Program
Country Implementing Partner(s): Belize Forest Department / Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Immigration of the Government of Belize
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Institutional Arrangements
Date: 2019 - 2020

A integrated data-analysis tool will be built within the forest information system (FIS) to support decision-making. It will allow data to be read from different sources (online database, spreadsheets, geographic data, etc.) through automated processes and will be presented as dashboards showing data from the FIS and other external data sources. As part of the process the formation of a central data-management team will be strengthened, as well as the definition of protocols and institutional arrangements for their management.


Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2019 - 2019

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, and integration of various data sets, Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.


Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID),Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR),Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,United States Agency for International Development (USAID),United States Forest Service (USFS),Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2018 - 2018

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, integration of various data sets, operationalisation and governance. Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.


Biomass mapping of the Cerrado biome

International Partner(s): Carbomap,Ecometrica,National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO),University of Leicester
Country Implementing Partner(s): IPAM, INPE, Universisdade estatual de Goia, Universidade federal de Goias, UnB, Paisagens Sustentaveis
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2016

Developing methods and capacity to map aboveground biomass at national level using machine learning techniques and combination of different sensors. The activity involves co-development of methods/algorithm and capacity building.


Forests 2020: Improving forest monitoring systems through better application of satellite data

International Partner(s): Carbomap,Ecometrica,UK Space Agency (UKSA),University of Edinburgh,University of Leicester
Country Implementing Partner(s): National Institute of Space Research (INPE), institute of Environmental Research of the Amazon (IPAM) and Key Associados
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2016 - 2021

Forests 2020 is a 40-month project from a consortium of United Kingdom experts and international partners led by Ecometrica, which aims to address the technical barriers to improve forest-monitoring systems in six developing countries to support REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation), FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) and other aspects of forest governance and biodiversity conservation. The project focuses on three areas of forest monitoring systems:• Improved detection of forest changes, particularly in challenging ecosystems and land- use situations.• Improved mapping of risks and priority areas, particularly ways in which local organizations and district or state-level forest authorities can input and interact with the forest maps and forest change detection.• Digital infrastructure for managing and distributing EO-derived and related information to ensure robustness, consistency, continuity and availability of data products to end users. This project uses Earth Observation (EO) imagery from satellites to improve forest monitoring working with leading experts from the National Centre for Earth Observation in the United Kingdom and with local experts to test new forestry monitoring methods. These new methods will enable our partner countries to use more frequent, better quality data, quicker, improving the national forest monitoring systems In Brazil specifically the project focuses on the Cerrado biome, improving historic mapping of land use and land use change, as well looking more deeply at the drivers of forest loss and degradation, particularly the pressures of agricultural expansion and wildfires. Private sector stakeholders, such as the soy industry, have an important role to play in stabilising deforestation rates in the region, and Ecometrica has been working to provide information to them in an easy to use way to enable robust monitoring of ""zero-deforestation commodity"" commitments.



International Partner(s): European Space Agency (ESA),Forest Global Earth Observatory (ForestGEO),ForestPlots,Group on Earth Observation (GEO),National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),Natural Environment Research Council (NERC),Various regional partners
Country Implementing Partner(s): Various national forestry groups
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2014

This activity involves terrestrial laser scanning to provide accurate estimates of carbon at a scale of one hectare (1ha), as well as tools, techniques, training and capacity building. In part, this is for calibrating and validating satellite-derived estimates of carbon, along with  developing allometric models at the regional and global scales.
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Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) Remote Sensing Survey 2020 National Workshop for Brazil, Belem

International Partner(s): European Union (EU),International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC),National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI),Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 27 May 2019 - 1 June 2019

Following the recommendations from the 23rd session of the Committee of Forestry (COFO), FRA 2020 is conducting a participatory global remote sensing survey (FRA 2020 RSS) with the scope of improving estimates of forest area change at global and regional scales. The FRA secretariat, in collaboration with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC) and the FAO working group on remote sensing, has developed a worldwide methodology for the FRA 2020 RSS, which is also scalable to national assessments. The scope and the methodological design of the survey were defined on the basis of experiences, in particular from the previous FRA 2010 RSS and taking advantage from technological progress as well as from the increased availability of satellite imagery. OBJECTIVES Provide independent and consistent estimates at global, regional and Global Ecological Zone (GEZ) levels on:• Land use and land cover area in 2018.• Changes in land use area and land cover for the periods 2000-2010, and 2010-2018.• Deforestation drivers.• Develop national capacities in remote sensing.• Build up a global network of FRA RSS experts. IMPLEMENTATION Image analysis is done through visual interpretation using Collect Earth Online software developed under the Open Foris initiative by FAO in collaboration with NASA. More than 35 national and regional workshops will be implemented in 2018-2020 to train about 800 country experts and collect data on 430,000 FRA remote sensing samples. PARTNERS The development and implementation of FRA 2020 RSS strongly relies on partnerships. FRA 2020 RSS counts on financial support from EC and NICFI and technical support from JRC, SLU, NASA, IIASA. Countries are actively engaged in the data collection and image analysis process.


REED Early Movers

International Partner(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ),KfW Development Bank (KFW, BMU-IKI)
Country Implementing Partner(s): State Governments of Mato Grosso and Acre
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2020 - 2025

Support to the Operationalization of regional MRV activities in Acre & Mato Grosso, including Mato Early Warning System


Realtime Deforestation Monitoring System

International Partner(s): AidEnvironment,Reporter Brazil
Country Implementing Partner(s): AidEnvironment, Reporter Brazil
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: February 2022 - June 2024

The Realtime Deforestation Monitoring (RDM) reports aim to create awareness of recent deforestation and fire events linked to global commodities' supply chains, engage with civil society organizations (CSOs), companies and the financial sector. The RDM reports also contribute to the debate on traceability and transparency within these supply chains.


Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) Remote Sensing Survey 2020 Regional Workshop for the Caribbean, Bridgetown, Barbados

International Partner(s): European Union (EU),International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC),National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI),Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 27 August 2018 - 31 August 2018

Following the recommendations from the 23rd session of the Committee of Forestry (COFO), FRA 2020 is conducting a participatory global remote sensing survey (FRA 2020 RSS) with the scope of improving estimates of forest area change at global and regional scales. The FRA secretariat, in collaboration with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC) and the FAO working group on remote sensing, has developed a worldwide methodology for the FRA 2020 RSS, which is also scalable to national assessments. The scope and the methodological design of the survey were defined on the basis of experiences, in particular from the previous FRA 2010 RSS and taking advantage from technological progress as well as from the increased availability of satellite imagery. OBJECTIVES Provide independent and consistent estimates at global, regional and Global Ecological Zone (GEZ) levels on:• Land use and land cover area in 2018.• Changes in land use area and land cover for the periods 2000-2010, and 2010-2018.• Deforestation drivers.• Develop national capacities in remote sensing.• Build up a global network of FRA RSS experts. IMPLEMENTATION Image analysis is done through visual interpretation using Collect Earth Online software developed under the Open Foris initiative by FAO in collaboration with NASA. More than 35 national and regional workshops will be implemented in 2018-2020 to train about 800 country experts and collect data on 430,000 FRA remote sensing samples. PARTNERS The development and implementation of FRA 2020 RSS strongly relies on partnerships. FRA 2020 RSS counts on financial support from EC and NICFI and technical support from JRC, SLU, NASA, IIASA. Countries are actively engaged in the data collection and image analysis process. 


South-South Learning: Global Forest Observations Initiative for MRV

International Partner(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)
Country Implementing Partner(s): ICIMOD, FRMD (Forest Resources Management Division)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017 - 2017

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is working with its regional member countries (RMCs) to support them in their Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) readiness phase. The focus of REDD+ collaboration is capacity development and technical assistance through the implementation of the South-South learning platform in the region. As part of the South-South learning cooperation platform, GIZ delivered a workshop in 2017 which aimed to build on the broader Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) "train the trainer" workshop series by conducting an in-depth, hands-on development session for regional experts through REDDcompass. The aim of the workshop is to introduce the REDDcompass measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) checklist to develop a priority work plan and a training programme on REDD+ for ICIMOD RMCs. This directly contributes to enhancing their capacity on MRV.


A Socio-Ecological Observatory for Studying African Woodlands (SEOSAW)

International Partner(s): National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2016 - ongoing

SEOSAW is a network of people and plots in Africa dedicated to understanding the response of dry forests, savannas and woodlands to global change. As a part of this, we collect high quality in-situ observations to calibrate and validate remote sensing products and analyses. These support national forest and carbon mapping, land cover change estimates and national reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and others.
More information:

Central African Republic

Assessment of recent trends of deforestation and forest degradation and related drivers using SEPAL (CAFI)

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF),United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT),United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2020 - 2023

CAFI is a unique initiative that supports strategic, holistic and country-level REDD+ and Low Emission Development investments while focusing on Central African high-forest cover countries.

Central African Republic

Central African Republic Forest Atlas

International Partner(s): World Resources Institute (WRI)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Water, Forests, Hunting and Fishing
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Policy and Design Decisions
Date: 2007 - 2022

The World Resources Institute has worked extensively with the Government of the Central African Republic to create a "Forest Atlas", with information on forest land ownership from multiple ministries.

Central African Republic

GEOFORAFRI - Capacity building and access to earth observation satellite data for monitoring forests in Central and Western Africa

International Partner(s): France,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministère de l’Environnement et de l’Ecologie (MEE)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: gen-12 - dic-17

The specific objective of the project was to facilitate the adoption of earth observation techniques and ensure the methodological and technological know-how within central African countries, which will enable local institutions to carry out forest cover monitoring according to the international guidelines required to participate and benefit from the REDD+ mechanisms and funding. The main components of the project were: 1. Ensure the provision of earth observation satellite data and processing tools in a sustainable way, based on to the African countries' needs to implement national forest monitoring according to the REDD+ guidelines and requirements;2. Strengthen the local capacities of public/private institutions and civil society organisations, which have developed internal capacities in the use of earth observation satellite data and are willing to contribute to information production required in terms of forest monitoring;3. Support the production of forest cover and forest cover change maps in several central African countries in relation to their needs for the implementation of MRV systems in the framework of REDD+ mechanism, and in relation to the ongoing initiatives and programs in this domain;4. Support the definition of research programs in the field of earth observation and the strengthening of research institutions networks, and facilitate north-south and south-south partnerships;5. Contribute to the coordination of existing and emerging initiatives in the field of earth observation for REDD+ in central Africa, and facilitate the participation of these countries to the major international initiatives, such as GEO and GMES for Africa.

Central African Republic

National FREL and MRV system

International Partner(s): FRM International,Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): CN-CLIMAT
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: gen-18 - giu-21

-Activities of the FCPF readiness grant. Development of the national Reference Level and operational MRV system for REDD+ and LULUCF. execution of Forests Inventory

Central African Republic

OSFACO - Observation Spatiale des Forets d'Afrique Centrale et de l'Ouest

International Partner(s): Centre national d’études spatiales (CNES),France,Institut Géographique National (IGN),National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN FI),Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Coordination Nationale Climat (CNC), Ministère de l’Environnement, du Developpement Durable, des Eaux, Forets, Chasse et Peche
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: apr-16 - dic-19

The OSFACO project aims to improve the knowledge of past and current dynamics in terms of land use and land use change in 8 countries of Central and Western Africa, based on Earth observation data and tools. Building on the results and achievements of previous support projects (OSFT, GEOFORAFRI), OSFACO strengthen and expand local expertise and ownership of satellite imagery in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies for sustainable land management . The main areas of intervention are : 1. Provision of recent high resolution SPOT6/7 satellite images, as well as SPOT archive images, on the participant countries, for all users involved in sustainable land use and sustainable forest management2. Support for local production of land use and land use change maps; technological transfer to update these data3 Capacity building and resources for spatial land monitoring and promoting the use of satellite imagery in the design and monitoring of public policies (training and pilot projects) Recipient countriesThe project benefits in 3 countries of Western Africa (Guinea, Ivory Coast and Benin) and 5 countries of Central Africa (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, DR Congo and Gabon)
More information:

Central African Republic

OSFT - Spatial Observation of Tropical Forest

International Partner(s): Centre national d’études spatiales (CNES),France,Institut Géographique National (IGN),National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN FI),Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Coordination Nationale Climat (CNC), Ministère de l’Environnement, du Developpement Durable, des Eaux, Forets, Chasse et Peche
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: gen-11 - mar-16

The OSFT project (Spatial Observation of Tropical Forest) aims to make available SPOT images and REDD+ baseline data to forest actors in the Congo Basin. An exhaustive coverage of the Congo Basin forest countries has been achieved with recent SPOT satellite images.A dedicated 'REDDSPOT' user license has been designed to enable open access of all data available, for any REDD+ stakeholder. Beneficiary countries have signed a 'National Authority' license, allowing them to distribute data to the users (providing their request is first validated, i.e. data are intended to be used in the framework of sustainable forest management).REDD+ baselines have been produced over Central African Republic and Cameroon. They include historical and forest change maps (1990/2000/2010), and a more detailed reference map as at 2010, all fully compliant with IPCC and VCS standards. Several staff members of the REDD technical coordination team (MRV team) of each beneficiary country have participated in the production, control and validation of the forest maps.OSFT has responded to the growing demand for high resolution images required to build-up smart monitoring systems across the entire region. More than 100 beneficiary projects have been provided with high resolution SPOT images.

Central African Republic


International Partner(s): France
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDD)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2011 - 2013

Through the programme of spatial observation of rainforests led by the French National Geographic Institute (IGN), France International and the Institute for Research for Development (IRD), Systèmes d'Information à Référence Spatiale (SIRS, France) played a role in improving access to satellite data (SPOT) and harmonizing Central African Republic forest maps produced within the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Africa (REDDAF) programme.

Central African Republic


International Partner(s): Austria,France,Germany
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment, Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDD)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2011 - 2013

The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Africa (REDDAF) project aims to develop pre-operational forest monitoring services in two Congo Basin countries that are engaged in REDD+ and actively involved in the REDD policy process. The national REDD+ processes both in Cameroon and the Central African Republic require such services and will actively participate in project implementation. The project started with initial assessments of country-specific user requirements to identify the needs of stakeholders in terms of institutionalizing REDD+ projects. Based on these national conditions, research and development of methods for improved Earth Observation/in situ data applications to estimate the real extent of deforestation and forest degradation, as well as biomass per unit area, were undertaken. The research efforts aimed to produce pre-operational processing chains. Specific technology transfer/capacity-building activities to the country ensure that project results, methodologies and lessons learned are provided in a manner to best support the work of national and regional counterparts.


MRV support for REDD+

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),UN-REDD
Country Implementing Partner(s): La Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017 - 2020

The UN-REDD Programme supports nationally led REDD+ processes and promotes the informed and meaningful involvement of all stakeholders, including indigenous peoples and other forest-dependent communities, in national and international REDD+ implementation. The programme supports target countries through: Direct support to the design and implementation of National REDD+ Programmes; Complementary tailored support to national REDD+ actions; and Technical capacity building support through sharing of expertise, common approaches, analyses, methodologies, tools, data, best practices and facilitated South-South knowledge sharing.
More information:


MRV system of FCPF ER Program

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon,United States Agency for International Development (USAID),Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): National Forestry Corporation (CONAF), Ministry of Agriculture
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: ott-19 - giu-21

-Technical assistance for the implementation of the Monte Carlo method in estimating uncertainty of forest emissions (Financed)-Improvement of the subnational map of forest degradation in permanent forest (Financed)-Capacity building in the use of RADAR data for the determination of land use and forest degradation (To be financed)-Technical Assistance for the preparation of the FREL/FRL update (Financed)-MRV data storage and processing system (Financed)-Improvement of the methodology for developing maps of land use change at the national level. (To be financed)-Development of national map of organic soil carbon in forest lands (To be financed)-Design of a methodology for estimating forest emissions due to sustainable Forest Management. Pilot experience. (To be financed)


Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID),Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR),Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,United States Agency for International Development (USAID),United States Forest Service (USFS),Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): CONAF
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2018 - 2018

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, integration of various data sets, operationalisation and governance. Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.


Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) Remote Sensing Survey 2020 National Workshop for China, Xi’an

International Partner(s): European Union (EU),International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC),National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI),Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 8 April 2019 - 13 April 2019

Following the recommendations from the 23rd session of the Committee of Forestry (COFO), FRA 2020 is conducting a participatory global remote sensing survey (FRA 2020 RSS) with the scope of improving estimates of forest area change at global and regional scales. The FRA secretariat, in collaboration with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC) and the FAO working group on remote sensing, has developed a worldwide methodology for the FRA 2020 RSS, which is also scalable to national assessments. The scope and the methodological design of the survey were defined on the basis of experiences, in particular from the previous FRA 2010 RSS and taking advantage from technological progress as well as from the increased availability of satellite imagery. OBJECTIVES Provide independent and consistent estimates at global, regional and Global Ecological Zone (GEZ) levels on:• Land use and land cover area in 2018.• Changes in land use area and land cover for the periods 2000-2010, and 2010-2018.• Deforestation drivers.• Develop national capacities in remote sensing.• Build up a global network of FRA RSS experts. IMPLEMENTATION Image analysis is done through visual interpretation using Collect Earth Online software developed under the Open Foris initiative by FAO in collaboration with NASA. More than 35 national and regional workshops will be implemented in 2018-2020 to train about 800 country experts and collect data on 430,000 FRA remote sensing samples. PARTNERS The development and implementation of FRA 2020 RSS strongly relies on partnerships. FRA 2020 RSS counts on financial support from EC and NICFI and technical support from JRC, SLU, NASA, IIASA. Countries are actively engaged in the data collection and image analysis process.

Côte d'Ivoire

3-Level-Digital-Monitoring of FLR (including integrated reporting)

International Partner(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministère des Eaux et Forêts (MINEF)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2022 - 2026

Development of a monitoring system (multi-scalar and multitemporal) based on remote sensing, geoinformation and field observation for FLR activities. Strengthen capacities of partners to measure the effects of FLR in rural regions in ecological and biophysical terms through Drone imagery and Digital Survey Tools. Establishment a FLR data base of project activities and visualization of relevant restoration data through dashboards.

Côte d'Ivoire

Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministère de la Salubrité, de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable; Ministère des eaux et forêts; Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: dic-19 - nov-21

The project Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest), aims to strengthen the institutional and technical capacities of developing countries to meet the enhanced transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement, responding to Article 13 and contributing to tackling climate change.

Côte d'Ivoire

Deforestation prevention with land-use monitoring and valuation

International Partner(s): UKSA
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Planning and Development, Society for forest Development (SODEFOR), The Office for Parks and Reserves (OIPR), REDD Permanent Executive Secretariat (SEP-REDD)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2016 - 2019

The project aims to alleviate two key development problems in Côte d’Ivoire: rural poverty, which afflicts more than half of the rural population; and deforestation for economic development, which has led to the loss of 80 percent of the country’s natural forests. It will contribute to efforts to reduce poverty and protect forests by developing tools that help policy-makers to preserve and expand forests to the greatest benefits of rural communities, and to integrate relatively unproductive smallholders into more valuable global supply chains. Three tools will be created:• Land-use inventory that classifies and differentiates physical surface cover types.• Natural capital valuation framework that informs national reforestation and forest protection strategies, and supports the extension of sustainable supply chains. This will integrate the land-use inventory with other economic information on the value of production and ecosystem services to map the value of land under different uses, recorded in a natural capital accounting balance sheet.• Forest disturbance early-warning system to tighten enforcement of land-use rules. These will drive two key outcomes: improved monitoring and enforcement efforts that prevent forest loss and prioritize afforestation; and better targeted support to local economic development and sustainable supply chains through payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes. The tools will cover an area in the south west of Côte d’Ivoire covered by the Emissions Reduction Programme (ERP) initiative. The ERP region was chosen as it contains much of the country’s remaining natural forest and is the focus of the development of sustainable supply chains and PES schemes in the country.

Côte d'Ivoire

GEOFORAFRI - Capacity building and access to earth observation satellite data for monitoring forests in Central and Western Africa

International Partner(s): France,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Secretarat Executif Permanent REDD+ (SEP REDD+), Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Salubrité Urbaine et du Développement Durable (MINESUD)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: gen-12 - dic-17

The specific objective of the project was to facilitate the adoption of earth observation techniques and ensure the methodological and technological know-how within central African countries, which will enable local institutions to carry out forest cover monitoring according to the international guidelines required to participate and benefit from the REDD+ mechanisms and funding. The main components of the project were: 1. Ensure the provision of earth observation satellite data and processing tools in a sustainable way, based on to the African countries' needs to implement national forest monitoring according to the REDD+ guidelines and requirements;2. Strengthen the local capacities of public/private institutions and civil society organisations, which have developed internal capacities in the use of earth observation satellite data and are willing to contribute to information production required in terms of forest monitoring;3. Support the production of forest cover and forest cover change maps in several central African countries in relation to their needs for the implementation of MRV systems in the framework of REDD+ mechanism, and in relation to the ongoing initiatives and programs in this domain;4. Support the definition of research programs in the field of earth observation and the strengthening of research institutions networks, and facilitate north-south and south-south partnerships;5. Contribute to the coordination of existing and emerging initiatives in the field of earth observation for REDD+ in central Africa, and facilitate the participation of these countries to the major international initiatives, such as GEO and GMES for Africa.

Côte d'Ivoire

MRV country Needs Assessment

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: dic-19 - dic-20

Formulation Funding for Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Country Needs Assessments

Côte d'Ivoire

MRV system of FCPF ER Program

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): SEP-REDD, SODEFOR
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: ott-19 - giu-21

-Standard operating procedures (Financed)-Methodology for improvements: Conditions have already been addressed in April ERPD but improvements are still needed (Financed)-Improve AD thourgh more effective stratification, adding sampling units and applying QA/QC procedures to reference data (To be financed)-QA/QC report (Financed)-Uncertainty analysis (Financed)

Côte d'Ivoire

OSFACO - Observation Spatiale des Forets d'Afrique Centrale et de l'Ouest

International Partner(s): Centre national d’études spatiales (CNES),France,Institut Géographique National (IGN),National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN FI),Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Secretarat Executif Permanent REDD+ (SEP REDD+), Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Salubrité Urbaine et du Développement Durable (MINESUD)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: apr-16 - dic-19

The OSFACO project aims to improve the knowledge of past and current dynamics in terms of land use and land use change in 8 countries of Central and Western Africa, based on Earth observation data and tools. Building on the results and achievements of previous support projects (OSFT, GEOFORAFRI), OSFACO strengthen and expand local expertise and ownership of satellite imagery in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies for sustainable land management . The main areas of intervention are : 1. Provision of recent high resolution SPOT6/7 satellite images, as well as SPOT archive images, on the participant countries, for all users involved in sustainable land use and sustainable forest management2. Support for local production of land use and land use change maps; technological transfer to update these data3 Capacity building and resources for spatial land monitoring and promoting the use of satellite imagery in the design and monitoring of public policies (training and pilot projects) Recipient countriesThe project benefits in 3 countries of Western Africa (Guinea, Ivory Coast and Benin) and 5 countries of Central Africa (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, DR Congo and Gabon)
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Côte d'Ivoire

Support for the management and restoration of mangrove ecosystems in southeast and southwest Côte d'Ivoire (C'VERT)

International Partner(s): Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF),Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN),World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): GYBN-Côte d'Ivoire, AUF
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: August 2024 - August 2025

The project is a picturesque one, comprising a whole host of activities. These range from diagnosing the mangrove areas of Azzureti and Fresco using satellite images, to raising awareness among local people, women's associations and young people about the importance of conserving ecosystems, organizing mangrove planting, setting up environmental compliance standards and a monitoring and evaluation plan, and ending with three scenarios on the future of the mangrove areas in the target localities and a plea for greater protection of these mangrove areas. 
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Côte d'Ivoire

Technical assistance to REDD+ implementation

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),UN-REDD
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministère de l’environnement et du développement durable de la Côte d'Ivoire
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2016 - 2020

The UN-REDD Programme supports nationally led REDD+ processes and promotes the informed and meaningful involvement of all stakeholders, including indigenous peoples and other forest-dependent communities, in national and international REDD+ implementation. The programme supports target countries through: Direct support to the design and implementation of National REDD+ Programmes; Complementary tailored support to national REDD+ actions; and Technical capacity building support through sharing of expertise, common approaches, analyses, methodologies, tools, data, best practices and facilitated South-South knowledge sharing.
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Côte d'Ivoire

Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2019 - 2019

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, and integration of various data sets, Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.


3-Level-Digital-Monitoring of FLR (including integrated reporting)

International Partner(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministère des Forêts et de la Faune (MINFOF) ; Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la nature et du Développement Durable (MINEPDED)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2022 - 2026

Development of a monitoring system (multi-scalar and multitemporal) based on remote sensing, geoinformation and field observation for FLR activities. Strengthen capacities of partners to measure the effects of FLR in rural regions in ecological and biophysical terms through Drone imagery and Digital Survey Tools. Establishment a FLR data base of project activities and visualization of relevant restoration data through dashboards.


Assessment of recent trends of deforestation and forest degradation and related drivers using SEPAL (CAFI)

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF),United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT),United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2020 - 2023

CAFI is a unique initiative that supports strategic, holistic and country-level REDD+ and Low Emission Development investments while focusing on Central African high-forest cover countries.


Cameroon Forest Atlas

International Partner(s): World Resources Institute (WRI)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of the Forestry and Wildlife
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Policy and Design Decisions
Date: 2000 - 2023

The World Resources Institute has worked extensively with the Government of Cameroon to create a "Forest Atlas", with information on forest land ownership from multiple ministries. WRI is also working with the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife to prioritize Global Land Analysis and Discovery (GLAD) early-warning alerts and feed them into patrol routes.


Central Africa Forest Warning System (CAFWS)

International Partner(s): Commission des forêts d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC)
Country Implementing Partner(s): AGEOS (Agence Gabonaise d’Études et d’Observations Spatiales)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2022

This geoservices platform for monitoring deforestation, active fires and burnt areas in Central Africa was developed by VisioTerra (France) and AfEOS (Morocco) as a part of the GMES & Africa programme. It involves the development of indicators, dashboards and periodic bulletins.


Conduct combined training in REDDCompass (MGD guidance for MRV systems portal), and BEEODA tools, a remote sensing open source tool for remote sensing applications.

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): REDD+ Technical Secretary (ST REDD+); Remote sensing and Statistical Operational Unit (USCF); National Office of Climate Changes (ONACC); National Institute of Cartography (INC)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017 - 2018

Cameroon, in its 2017 mid-term progress report to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), requested additional support to implement activities that will assist the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) strategy and the REDD+ implementation framework. The aim is to use REDDcompass to assist countries in designing or adjusting their REDD+ framework,  track their progress, and assess their gaps and needs. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) provided training for Cameroonian reporting officials on the use of REDDcompass, which has been developed to guide the country through all necessary steps in the implementation of a REDD+ programme. The training will take place in combination with the Boston Education in Earth Observation Data Analysis (BEEODA) portal, which uses open source tools to analyse Earth Observation data for different applications. This training will include critical stakeholders.(Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)


Creating emissions factors from NFI data to estimate terrestial carbon in Cameroon / Support to the compilation and analysis of GHG inventory data in Cameroon

International Partner(s): Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CRN),SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): The National Observatory of Climate Change (ONACC); The Department of Forest Inventory and Management, Cameroon Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (DIAF)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2021 - 2022

The National Climate Change Observatory (ONACC) is one of SilvaCarbon's main partners in Cameroon. ONACC was recently chosen to manage the country's carbon footprint which includes compiling and analyzing greenhouse gas data from the AFOLU, energy and industry sectors.To support ONACC in this process, and building on previous SilvaCarbon support to strengthen and operationalize the National Forest Monitoring System, SilvaCarbon will provide technical support to the compilation and analysis of data from the AFOLU sector. ONACC aims to meet Tier 2 requirements as directed by the Cameroon government; therefore, this will include compilation of existing national and project data.Results from this support will feed directly into the submission of the Third National Communication and future BURs.


Define the NFI and NFMS equipment needs and field testing of equipment

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon,Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF),World Resources Institute (WRI)
Country Implementing Partner(s): USCF, ONACC, SDIAF, SDIM, WRI
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

In order to institutionalize the national forest monitoring system (NFMS) and measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems for climate change in general and REDD+ in particular, the Government of Cameroon established a number of mandated institutions. SilvaCarbon has been requested through its partner the United States Forest Service (USFS), which sits as a member of Cameroon’s Forest Cover Monitoring Operations Unit Board, to provide targeted technical support in identifying equipment needs for these national institutions (e.g. commercial and open-source high-resolution satellite imagery and related forest monitoring computer software and hardware), possibly supporting equipment procurement as appropriate; and continuing to provide training on land cover and land-cover change map production.


Define the NFI and NFMS equipment needs and field testing of equipment

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): USCF, ONACC, SDIAF, SDIM, WRI
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2018

The Government of Cameroon recently created the Remote Sensing and Statistical Operational Unit (USCF) in response to specific gaps found during the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) readiness process and the designing of the national forest monitoring system (NFMS). The USCF is a multisectoral laboratory under the Department of Forest Inventory and Management. It received financial support (computers, hardware, software) from the French Development Agency. The new institution is also leading the forest monitoring process, specificially remote-sensing aspects. The new institution expressed to SilvaCarbon a need for additional material, including hardware, software; commercial and free high-resolution satellite images, and training on land cover and land-cover map production, forest biomass data and statistics for specific projects and areas such as the Emission Reduction Program. Provision of some of these assets, training and the derivation of subnational-scale forest-cover maps has already been launched, especially for the FCPF Carbon Fund’s Emission Reduction Project Idea Note (ER-PIN) area. This activity is meant to lead to rapid concrete actions and results on the ground. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Design Field Forms and Field Guides / Manuals Describing the Approach and Techniques for National Forest Inventory Data Collection

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Remote Sensing and Statistical Operational Unit (USCF), National Office of Climate Changes (ONACC), Department of Forest Inventory and Management (SDIAF)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2019 - 2019

United States Forest Service (USFS) experts in collaboration with Cameroon technicians from the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) Technical Secretariat and the Department of Forest Inventory and Management (SDIAF) have developed approaches for assessing carbon stocks and greenhouse gas fluxes in the forestry sector using the existing 2005 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) national forest inventory (NFI) data. The purpose of that support was to help the country establish according to national circumstances and capabilities, robust and transparent national forest monitoring systems (NFMS) with reference to COP decisions on REDD+ and UN REDD Program Secretariat (2013) report. In March 2018 the draft NFI methodological guidance was finalized jointly with the roadmap for a new NFI process. The results of this phase highlighted the revision of the NFI to include remote sensing forest monitoring components that need to be screened for synergies and integration potential, and the final revision of the NFI implementation plan. Following the adopted Cameroon NFI roadmap, the next step involves the revision of existing field manuals and guides used during the 2003-2005 FAO NFI developed jointly by USFS experts and Cameroon technicians.


Design the field forms and field guides/manual describing the approach and technique for Data Collection for National Forest Inventory

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Remote Sensing and Statistical Operational Unit (USCF), National Office of Climate Changes (ONACC), Department of Forest Inventory and Management (SDIAF)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2018

Following the approach adopted by the Government of Cameroon to monitor its forests every ten years, the country has engaged in discussions with several partners such as SilvaCarbon, the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for financial and technical assistance. The last national multipurpose forest inventory was conducted from 2002 to 2005 with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and some of the parameters established are now out of date. SilvaCarbon provided technical assistance through United States Forest Service (USFS) experts and detailers to support the national forest inventory (NFI) process by training Cameroon technicians from the Department of Forest Inventory and Management and also the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) Technical Secretariat on national forest monitoring systems (NFMS). At the same time, methodologies for a new NFI were discussed in 2017 and proposed for adoption by the Ministry of Forests. Now, as a result of this activity, Cameroonian counterparts, with support from SilvaCarbon experts, will finalize the design for field plots and the field manual. These products will be ready for immediate implementation. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)


Developing a methodology for transparent land use plans protocols for spatial planning that better address social and environmental concerns

International Partner(s): LTS International (UK)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Cameroon Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Policy and Design Decisions
Date: 2017

The European Forest Institute's Common Mapping Platform (CMP) was developed in Phase 1 (2014-2016) by a LTS-led consortium. A multistakeholder process with national, regional and local partners in southwest Cameroon supported the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT) in developing a methodology for transparent land-use plans (LUPs) protocols for spatial planning that better address social and environmental concerns: sustainable land management, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+), Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and responsible governance. After Phase 1, MINEPAT requested EFI to further develop and test methods for local LUPs. LTS-led Phase 2 objectives are improvement of the tools and spatial information for LUPs decision-making, in addition to development and testing of a participatory method for local and sustainable LUPs.


Forest Landscape Restoration

International Partner(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2020 - 2025

In 2011, BMU, together with IUCN, launched a new global initiative called the Bonn Challenge, which now acts as a global platform for FLR. Under this initiative, some 74 countries have committed to restoring about 210 million ha of degraded landscapes by 2030. In 2015, the African Union and its member states agreed on the "African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative"/ AFR100 to restore 100 million ha of degraded land by 2030. Target Goal: Increase the economical, ecological, and climate benefits of appropriately planned large-scale FLR for stakeholders at the national, regional, and local level.In order to achieve significant country-level results from the outset, as well as generate experience and knowledge relevant to the regional level (AFR100 initiative), the program focuses on developing and implementing FLR interventions at the level of selected land areas of each partner country on the ground at different levels (Output I), preparing a significant portion of each country's committed area for large-scale forest landscape restoration (Output II), promoting additional FLR funding (Output III), and increasing the level of ambition for FLR in partner countries through better knowledge management and sharing, including impact monitoring and learning.


GEOFORAFRI - Capacity building and access to earth observation satellite data for monitoring forests in Central and Western Africa

International Partner(s): France,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Protection de la Nature et du Développement Durable
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: gen-12 - dic-17

The specific objective of the project was to facilitate the adoption of earth observation techniques and ensure the methodological and technological know-how within central African countries, which will enable local institutions to carry out forest cover monitoring according to the international guidelines required to participate and benefit from the REDD+ mechanisms and funding. The main components of the project were: 1. Ensure the provision of earth observation satellite data and processing tools in a sustainable way, based on to the African countries' needs to implement national forest monitoring according to the REDD+ guidelines and requirements;2. Strengthen the local capacities of public/private institutions and civil society organisations, which have developed internal capacities in the use of earth observation satellite data and are willing to contribute to information production required in terms of forest monitoring;3. Support the production of forest cover and forest cover change maps in several central African countries in relation to their needs for the implementation of MRV systems in the framework of REDD+ mechanism, and in relation to the ongoing initiatives and programs in this domain;4. Support the definition of research programs in the field of earth observation and the strengthening of research institutions networks, and facilitate north-south and south-south partnerships;5. Contribute to the coordination of existing and emerging initiatives in the field of earth observation for REDD+ in central Africa, and facilitate the participation of these countries to the major international initiatives, such as GEO and GMES for Africa.


GFOI Regional Workshop on LiDAR in Central Africa

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): AGEOS, Environmental ministries, universities, research institutions, and NGOs in Central Africa
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation

Delivered a workshop to evaluate the utility of various Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data sets (terrestrial, unmanned aerial vehicle, airborne) for the estimation of tropical forest biomass in the Central African countries. Specifically, partners learned to:(a) collect and analyse terrestrial LiDAR data to generate forest biomass estimates in the tropics.(b) collect and analyse LiDAR data collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle to generate forest biomass estimates; collect field plot data to correlate and calibrate the LiDAR collected from the terrestrial LiDAR, UAV LiDAR, and also airborne LiDAR that was collected previously as AfricaGEOSS efforts through the Agence Gabonaise d'Etudes et d'Observations Spaciales (AGEOS) in the region; and then evaluate differences in biomass estimates among the three different LiDAR technologies. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)


GFOI-Related Research and Development

International Partner(s): GOFC GOLD and Wageningen University
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: ongoing

SilvaCarbon will continue its active engagement in the GFOI Research and Development component while exploring new opportunities to enhance synergies between GFOI and SilvaCarbon research initiatives. The SilvaCarbon Program will continue to support the participation of SilvaCarbon-funded researchers and Program staff in GFOI research and development workshops led by the Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) program. While all of the areas of focus have not been defined, to allow for flexibility, some potential areas for continued work are accuracy assessments / uncertainty and forest landscape restoration monitoring. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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