GFOI Plenary 2023

The GFOI Plenary 2023 took place from 9 to 11 May 2023 at the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy, and online.
Please read the communiqué for an official statement on the event.
The official photo album is available here.
Recordings from the livestream in the Green Room are available below.
Plenary sessions
- GFOI Plenary 2023 - Day 1 Morning Session
- GFOI Plenary 2023 - Day 1 Afternoon Session
- GFOI Plenary 2023 - Day 2 Morning Session
- GFOI Plenary 2023 - Day 2 Afternoon Session
- GFOI Plenary 2023 - Day 3 Morning Session
- GFOI Plenary 2023 - Day 3 Afternoon Session
Side events
- GFOI R&D Priorities – Refinement and Current Developments
- The Aim4Forests Programme and its approach to Country-Led Planning
- Shifting the Climate for Women Engagement in Climate Action
- Myths, realities, and solutions towards high-integrity forest carbon credits
- Forest Observation Activities in China
- Monitoring for Climate Action, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
- IPCC Software for GHG emissions and removals, and the 2 FAO add-ons
- Deforestation Alerts (Best practices, and applications)
- Monitoring forest contributions towards national adaptation goals
- NICFI Satellite Data Program
- Sample based approaches for forest monitoring
- Improving the forest carbon market confidence with quality blue carbon credits
Day 1
- María J. Sanz (Basque Centre for Climate Change) - The role of forest information in addressing climate change
- Nikki Fitzgerald (Australian Government, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water) - Methods and Guidance Documentation Component
- Sara Goeking (US Forest Service) and Chris Barnes (US Geological Service) - Data Component - History, Overview and Current Priorities
- Thomas Harvey (GFOI) - Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) - Overview and Components
Country Sessions - Operational Systems
Side events Day 1
- Ellie Peneva-Reed (GFOI) - Country-Led Planning - Nationally Enabled Ambitions
- Marieke Sandker (FAO) - Overview of Aim4Forests - Accelerating Innovative Monitoring for Forests
- Merceline Ojwala (Kenya) - Updating Reference level in Kenya
- Rocio Condor (FAO) - Delivering results under AIM4Forests: SEPAL online facilitated course
Day 2
- Kevin R Brown (Wildlife Conservation Society) - Realizing the promise of REDD
- Marieke Sandker (FAO) - Country progress in Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV)
- Muri Soares (Mozambique) - Mozambique’s MRV Roadmap
Enhanced Transparency Framework
- Bob Kazungu (Ministry of Environment and Forest of Uganda) - Uganda’s Work towards Enhanced Transparency Framework
- Jenny Wong (UNFCCC Secretariat) - The Enhanced Transparency Framework: Overview of Key Elements
Launch of the GFOI Family of Resources
- Carly Green (Environmental Accounting Services) - GFOI Family of Resources - Process and Timeline
- Muri Soares (Mozambique) - Overview of Mozambique’s Involvement with the GFOR
Side events Day 2
1. Forest and Land Monitoring for Climate Action, for and by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
- Maricarmen Ruiz - Working with Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities on community-based forest monitoring
- Ake Rosenqvist (JAXA/soloEO) - Global Mangrove Watch – GMW Mangrove Loss Alerts
- Ate Poortinga, Nyein Soe Thwal, Jack Kilbride, Karis Tenneson, Robert Kennedy, David Saah - SAR-based alerts in SERVIRSoutheast Asia
- Erik Lindquist, Andreas Vollrath, Daniel Wiell - Near Real Time Alerts - SEPAL (
- Johannes Reiche and team (University of Wageningen) - RADD alerts
- Jorn Dallinga (WWF-NL) - GFOI Forest Foresight - Predicting deforestation
- Alfonso Sanchez Paus Diaz, Danilo Mollicone (FAO) - Land representation by Collect Earth - the Add-on with IPCC software
- Erik Lindquist (FAO), Carly Green (Environmental Accounting Services), Inge Jonckheere (FAO) - IPCC Software Updates - Wall-to-wall Addon
- Sandro Federici (IPCC) - Use of the IPCC Inventory Software for Establishing National GHG inventories in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector
- Juan Suárez (UK) - New forest inventories in Britain using remote sensing and proximal data collection methods
- Xin TIAN (China) - Cooperation project between China and Europe in Earth Observation on forest monitoring technology and demonstration applications
- Yong Pang (China) - Forest resource and conservation benefits from ecological restoration programs in China
- Zengyuan Li (China) - Forest and Grassland Types Mapping in China Using GF-1/6 Chinese Satellite Data
- Zhao Dan, Zeng Yuan, Wu Fangming, Wu Bingfang (China) - Recent improvements of remote sensing based forest aboveground biomass estimation in China
Day 3
Blue Carbon
- Haruni Krisnawati (Indonesia) - Indonesia’s Mangrove and Tropical Peatland Research and related carbon accounting
- Maria Nuutinen, Laura Villegas and Elisabet Rams, Marco Piazza, Lorena Hojas, Eva Ntara (FAO) - Wet linkages: Global Peatlands Initiative and mangroves
- Nikki Fitzgerald (Australia) - Blue Carbon - It’s like REDD+ … but Blue
- Raphael Linzatti (GIZ) - Management and Conservation of Blue Carbon Ecosystems (MACBLUE)
- Richard A. MacKenzie (US Forest Service) - Pacific Island Blue Carbon Knowledge Exchange Network
Ecosystem Restoration
- Julian Fox (FAO) - UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Overview and the Task Force on Monitoring
- Peter Nduati (Kenya) - Kenya – monitoring and reporting ecosystem restoration
- Yelena Finegold (FAO) - Framework for Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring - FERM and Target 2 of the GBF
Side events Day 3
- Anicia Brenda (Uganda) - Application of NICFI/Planet Data in Uganda
- Charlotte Bishop (KSAT) - Providing Satellite Imagery of the World's Tropical Forests
- Somphavy Keoka (Lao PDR) - Leveraging the NICFI Satellite Data Program to better monitor and report on forest cover change “The Example of Lao PDR“
- Ximena María Herrera Jirón (Ecuador) -Aprovechando el Programa de Datos Satelitales del NICFI para mejorar la gestión forestal y la elaboración de informes - Ejemplo Ecuador
- Daniel Murdiyarso (CIFOR-ICRAF) - Building BC market confidence
- Noviar (Peatland Restoration and Mangrove Rehabilitation Planning) - Priorities in Mangrove Rehabilitation Program in Indonesia
- Pablo Martin (FAO) - High-resolution satellite imagery to identify mangrove areas
- Pham Thu Thuy (FAO) - Governing Blue Carbon for climate and social justice
- Anne Branthomme, Caroline Merle, Adolfo Kindgard, Ana Lourenço, Wai-Tim Ng, Rémi D’Annunzio, Aurélie Shapiro (FAO) - Global sample-based assessment of agricultural deforestation drivers
- FAO - Ensemble Sample Based Area Estimation - An overview
- Steve Stehman (State University of New York) - Guidelines for Evaluating Decisions of Sample-Based Area Estimation (SBAE)
- Antonio Bombelli (GCOS Secretariat) - Global climate observations for adaptation monitoring
- Bob Kazungu (Uganda) - Monitoring forest contributions towards national adaptation goals - Adaptation Monitoring in Uganda
- Elisa Distefano (FAO) - Strengthening M&E for adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Country experiences
- Inge Jonckheere, Antoine Libert, Amy Duchelle (FAO) - Forest Adaptation Monitoring - The Way Ahead
- FAO – Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA)
- FAO – National Forest Monitoring
- US Forest Service - GFOI Data Component, Ground Data Guidance: Recommendations and request for comments
- NICFI Satellite Data Program Team and Partners – NICFI Satellite Data Program
- SarCarbon – Remote Sensing for REDD+
- Mattu University, Ethiopia, PHD Candidate –The role of forest information in addressing climate change: REDD+, NDCs and enhanced transparency framework and Ecosystem restoration
- US Forest Service – USFS SilvaCarbon program 2023
- US Geological Service – USGS Poster_GFOISummit2023
- Mangroves in Indonesia – Anna Tosiani, Analyst of Forest Resources Information, Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry
- National Forest Monitoring System in Indonesia – Belinda Margono, Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry
- Forest Monitoring for Climate Action in Kenya – Faith Mutwiri, Officer, Kenya Forest Service
- Establishing Sustainable Forest Monitoring Systems – Naikoa Aguilar Amuchastegui, Senior Climate Change Adviser, World Bank
- Insights on NICFI's Satellite Data Program – Karine Hertzberg, Senior Adviser, Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative