
GFOI Regional Workshop on LIDAR in South America

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation

Delivered a workshop to evaluate the utility of various Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data sets (terrestrial, unmanned aerial vehicle, airborne) for the estimation of tropical forest biomass in the Amazon countries. Specifically, partners learned to:(a) collect and analyse terrestrial LiDAR data to generate forest biomass estimates in the tropics;(b) collect and analyse LiDAR data collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle to generate forest biomass estimates; collect field plot data to correlate and calibrate the LiDAR collected from the terrestrial LiDAR, UAV LiDAR, and also airborne LiDAR that was collected previously in 2014 by the Government of Peru for the same region; and then evaluate differences in biomass estimates among the three different LiDAR technologies. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)


GFOI-Related Research and Development

International Partner(s): GOFC GOLD and Wageningen University
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: ongoing

SilvaCarbon will continue its active engagement in the GFOI Research and Development component while exploring new opportunities to enhance synergies between GFOI and SilvaCarbon research initiatives. The SilvaCarbon Program will continue to support the participation of SilvaCarbon-funded researchers and Program staff in GFOI research and development workshops led by the Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) program. While all of the areas of focus have not been defined, to allow for flexibility, some potential areas for continued work are accuracy assessments / uncertainty and forest landscape restoration monitoring. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
More information:


GFOI-Related Space Data Efforts

International Partner(s): CEOS NASA and USGS Group
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: ongoing

SilvaCarbon will maintain its ongoing efforts to facilitate connections between developing countries and the GFOI SDCG with the objective of further linking the users of Earth observation data with planners. The Global Program will continue to sponsor representatives of developing countries to attend SDCG meetings to discuss their data acquisition plans for their NFMS (16 countries have been sponsored to date). It will also continue to support countries' acquisition of commercial data through combined proposals to data providers, such as a past proposal granted to CEOS, NASA, and Colombia to use the TanDEM X satellite in ten deforestation "hot spots." USGS, based on agreement with the European Space Agency (ESA), will archive, process and deliver Landsat data, by Sentinel 1 and 2 data as well. In addition, SilvaCarbon will continue funding the development of tools produced by CEOS, such as the CEOS Visualization Environment (COVE) tool, which allows users to search satellite missions and generate reports of all available space data for forest monitoring. Finally, SilvaCarbon will support the provision of analysis-ready data to country partners who express need for this data. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
More information:


Global Forest Observation Initiative Framework

International Partner(s): GFOI
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Policy and Design Decisions
Date: 43009 - 43373

Colombia will continue working and receiving information/capacity building within the GFOI framework. Multiple institutions that produce data used as an input in the NFMS will receive training and guidance using the GFOI REDD Compass Portal. This training will provide valuable information to the country on what steps are next, and who within the Colombia administration should be implementing the next step. Colombia will send participants to the regional GFOI workshops. One of these workshops will be held in Colombia in 2017. The topic of each workshop will be defined in the frame of the cooperation with other countries. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
More information:


Global Forest Observations Initiative Framework

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2018 - 2019

Colombia will continue working and receiving information/capacity-building within the GFOI framework. Multiple institutions that produce data used as an input in the national forest monitoring system (NFMS) will receive training and guidance using REDDcompass. This training aims to clarify next steps and who in the Colombian administration is responsible.


Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) Remote Sensing Survey 2020 National Workshop for Colombia

International Partner(s): European Union (EU),International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC),National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI),Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 23 January 2019 - 28 January 2019

Following the recommendations from the 23rd session of the Committee of Forestry (COFO), FRA 2020 is conducting a participatory global remote sensing survey (FRA 2020 RSS) with the scope of improving estimates of forest area change at global and regional scales. The FRA secretariat, in collaboration with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC) and the FAO working group on remote sensing, has developed a worldwide methodology for the FRA 2020 RSS, which is also scalable to national assessments. The scope and the methodological design of the survey were defined on the basis of experiences, in particular from the previous FRA 2010 RSS and taking advantage from technological progress as well as from the increased availability of satellite imagery. OBJECTIVES Provide independent and consistent estimates at global, regional and Global Ecological Zone (GEZ) levels on:• Land use and land cover area in 2018.• Changes in land use area and land cover for the periods 2000-2010, and 2010-2018.• Deforestation drivers.• Develop national capacities in remote sensing.• Build up a global network of FRA RSS experts. IMPLEMENTATION Image analysis is done through visual interpretation using Collect Earth Online software developed under the Open Foris initiative by FAO in collaboration with NASA. More than 35 national and regional workshops will be implemented in 2018-2020 to train about 800 country experts and collect data on 430,000 FRA remote sensing samples. PARTNERS The development and implementation of FRA 2020 RSS strongly relies on partnerships. FRA 2020 RSS counts on financial support from EC and NICFI and technical support from JRC, SLU, NASA, IIASA. Countries are actively engaged in the data collection and image analysis process.


Grant Agreements to promote forest products and services in cattle farms of Meta and Caquetá

International Partner(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ),Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ, Germany)
Country Implementing Partner(s): UniAmazonia, Cattle farmers National Federation and departamental Committees (Meta and Caquetá)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Other
Date: 2024 - 2025

Conservation and restoration of natural forest on cattle farms in the department of Meta and Caquetá, promoting the generation of complementary income for young people and women with forest products and services. Continued development of the national forest information and monitoring system (FIMS: combination of modules comprising national forest inventory data from 2019-2021, forest management inventories, forest incidents, forest operations, forest restoration, etc.) and the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system for Georgia's forests, accompanied by extensive capacity-building and development of standard operating procedures.


IPCC Tier 2 Reporting Capabilities

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2017 - 2018

Colombia aims to begin reporting at Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)- defined Tier 2 using spatial data and a partial or full national forest inventory (NFI) in their greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, including forest land remaining forest land (FL-FL). This could also include other land covers and IPCC categories. Colombia will receive capacity- building and work with experts on C accounting modelling. This will involve both national and international experts. Colombia will also work with experts on using terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) to develop allometric equations, integration with airborne LiDAR for biomass and biodiversity estimation. SilvaCarbon will provide technical support and capacity building for Colombia on linking information from the land-cover/land-use monitoring groups with the GHG inventory groups through workshops and direct technical assistance.


Implementation of REDD+ and carbon sequestration activities

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

SilvaCarbon plans to support the implementation of Colombia's Assisted Natural Regeneration for the 2020 Restoration Pledge, as led by the Ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development and Agriculture and Rural Development, which encompasses silvopastoral and agroforestry activities as well as other productive approaches. Focused activities will include nursery management and planting technologies from United States Forest Service (USFS) experts.


Implementation of REDD+ and carbon sequestration activities

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Other
Date: 2017 - 2018

SilvaCarbon will support the implementation of assisted natural regeneration for the 2020 Restoration Pledge by Colombia, supported by the Ministries of Environment and Sustainable Development and Agriculture and Rural Development and which encompasses silvopastoral and agroforestry activities as well as other productive approaches, through focused activities which will include nursery management, planting technologies from United States Forest Service (USFS) forest experts.(Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)


Implementation of national forest inventory

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

Over the next three years, Colombia will have at least one cycle of its national forest inventory (NFI) completed. Specifically, SilvaCarbon will support NFI development focusing on quality analysis/quality control, field-crew training, data base design and data analysis. This would include the integration of permanent plots with remote-sensing data. As part of ongoing work, in FY17, United States Forest Service (USFS) NFI expert(s) will travel to Colombia to provide specific assistance on these topics. The expert(s) will also provide ongoing remote assistance in the form of conference calls and email correspondence. If needed, direct technical support could also include visits by Colombian partners to relevant research stations, forest service units or universities in the United States of America.


Improved forest monitoring methodologies by including LiDAR data in Guatemala and Colombia

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): IDEAM
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

SilvaCarbon will assist Guatemala and Colombia to incorporate Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data into their national forest monitoring system (NFMS) by using a methodology developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the University of Maryland that combines forest cover change measurements with biomass data calculated with LiDAR data.  The capacity will be transferred by the NASA Goddard group by a series of visits/short training sessions from the NASA Goddard team to the Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) in Colombia, and the Grupo Interinstitucional del Monitoreo de Bosques y Uso de la Tierra (GIMBUT) monitoring group in Guatemala. The resulting product will combine the current canopy-change estimates produced by Colombia and Guatemala with forest height, carbon storage and ground topography with very-high-resolution data.


MRV system of ISFL ER Program

International Partner(s): Germany,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ),Norway,SilvaCarbon,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK),United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies - IDEAM (also Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - Minagri, and Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - Minambiente, as advisor: Department National Planning - DNP and
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2019 - 2021

-Adjustment and standardization of the procedures for calculating the aggregate uncertainty of the estimation of emissions / removals of the AFOLU Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System for Colombia. (To be financed)


Monitoring System

International Partner(s): Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible; MADS)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2011 - 2014

Component 4: To design, on a stepwise basis, of an integrated monitoring system of measurement, reporting and verification of changes in deforestation and/or forest degradation, and forest enhancement activities. The system design should include early ideas on enhancing country capability (either within an integrated system, or in coordinated activities) to monitor emissions reductions and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, and to assess the impacts of the REDD strategy in the forest sector.


Monitoring System

International Partner(s): Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2011 - 2014

To develop: a. Thematic validation processes in the field and/or more accurate forest and non-forest input maps and changes in forest cover inputs, b. Make progress on the interoperability and integration of sub-national and national scales with other mapping products like covers and land uses. c. Automate processes to improve early warning and protocol processing, d. To improve estimates of carbon by mandatory monitoring plots which requires carbon monitoring and developing specific allometry equations missing, e. Deepening the use of remote sensing for monitoring biomass, f. Strengthen the reporting and recording of REDD projects as part of the Environmental Information System.


Move towards Tier 3 reporting

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

Colombia has a plan, data and capacity for advancing towards Tier 3 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reporting. SilvaCarbon provided continued support and capacity-building for the intensive monitoring site established in Colombia in FY15; support is required to extend the network of sites around the country; and to include field data collection and integration among sites. SilvaCarbon will provide training for fieldwork and technical transfer on methodologies to link remote-sensing and field data with models in Colombia in Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) landscapes through a carbon accounting framework with a special focus on forest land remaining forest land (FL-FL) estimation, and possibly other land covers In the near term. Efforts in this area will allow Colombia to understand, monitor and report the effects of different mitigation policies on agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) greenhouse gas emissions and removals, and assist in their prioritization. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)


National biomass mapping Colombia

International Partner(s): National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO),University of Leicester
Country Implementing Partner(s): IDEAM
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2016

Developing methods and capacity to map aboveground biomass at national level using machine learning techniques and combination of different sensors. The activity involves co-development of methods/algorithm and capacity building.


PYEO (Python for Earth Observation libraries)

International Partner(s): National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO),University of Leicester
Country Implementing Partner(s): IPB, RMSC, IDEAM, KFS, ECOSUR, National Defence University of Malaysia
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2016

Development of python libraries to provide a set of portable, extensible and modular Python scripts for earth observation (with especial focus on Sentinel-2) and machine learning, including downloading, preprocessing, creation of base layers and classification


Palm oil and Deforestation in Colombia (Maria la Baja, Casanare and Bolivar) 2011 - 2021

International Partner(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ),Satelligence,Solidaridad NGO
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2021 - 2022

A satellite monitoring system was installed in the departments of Bolivar and Casanare for a total of 142,000 hectares located in the municipalities of Maria la Baja, San Juan de Nepomuceno, San Jacinto, San Pablo, (Bolivar) and Villanueva (Casanare).  Through this monitoring system, it was possible to obtain an analysis of historical forest loss and land use change in 2011-2021, identifying 6,160 ha of forest in the areas of interest as of 12/31/2021. These hectares of forest were constantly monitored as part of the 142,000 ha for which biweekly fire and deforestation alerts were received through the Satelligence platform. Following the results obtained by the pilot developed by the INCAS Global + GIZ project, FEDEPALMA (the Colombian palm association) took on the responsibility of expanding the satellite monitoring and follow-up strategy at the national level to comply with the zero deforestation agreements in 2023. This has allowed progress to be made in the strategy of forest protection and zero deforestation.


REED Early Movers

International Partner(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ),KfW Development Bank (KFW, BMU-IKI)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment in Colombia
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2020 - 2025

Support to the Operationalization of the national MRV System hosted by IDEAM


Reference Level

International Partner(s): Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2011 - 2014

Activities: Construction of projection scenarios of deforestation, Projected deforestation trends, Field measurements


Reference Level

International Partner(s): Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2015 - 2018

Additional funding activities: a) to generate maps of deforestation at national level twice a year. b) to continue to develop a National Forestry Inventory, within the context of improving emission factors relating to the forest category. c) to make progress with developing methodologies for monitoring other REDD+ activities (degradation). d) to continue the analysis, providing more details about the causes and agents of deforestation. e) to implement and strengthen quality control procedures in order to reduce errors in reporting results.


Regional Forest Degradation Workshop

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2018

SilvaCarbon supported the participation of two inventory specialists from Honduras and one from Colombia in a regional workshop in Mexico on methodologies for quantifying forest degradation. The workshop reviewed remote sensing tools that have been implemented in Latin America to detect forest degradation, and took place in Guadalajara, Mexico at the National Forestry Commission headquarters. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)


Strengthening capacity for programming and big data processing for forest and land cover analysis

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): IDEAM
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

Colombia will work with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) experts to implement data-processing workflows in their new data centre, which includes Python programming capacity-building and big-data processing. Colombia also will continue to work with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) scientists and USGS on Data Cube implementation to facilitate the automation process and store spatial data in a controlled and easily available manner. A prototype of the Data Cube has been established at the Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) and is located at the IDEAM data centre, with the purpose of facilitating the transfer of data created in IDEAM to other stakeholders, either as a national or regional product.


Strengthening countries’ capacities to access to the Green Climate Fund, in particular REDD+ SAP and RBPs windows

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Forestry (or equivilent)
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2020 - 2021

Strengthening countries’ capacities to access to the Green Climate Fund, in particular REDD+ SAP and RBPs windows


Supportting the government and the Cero derostation agreements, to the implementation of the MRV protocol for the dairy and beef value chains.

International Partner(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ),Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ, Germany)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2024 - 2025

Supportting the government and the Cero derostation agreements, to the implementation of the MRV protocol for the dairy and beef value chains, through the validation of the MRV protocol with dairy companies and families dedicated to milk production.


Technical and financial support for SINGEI

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): IDEAM
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2018 - 2019

One of the expected outputs of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Third National Communication is the design of the Information System for the Greenhouse Gases Inventory – SINGEI. In order to provide continuity to the development of SINGEI, Colombia's Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) will require technical and financial support for subsequent phases such as testing, implementation and operation. SilvaCarbon will contribute to support these activities.


Technical assistance to REDD+ implementation

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),UN-REDD
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADS), Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2016 - 2020

The UN-REDD Programme supports nationally led REDD+ processes and promotes the informed and meaningful involvement of all stakeholders, including indigenous peoples and other forest-dependent communities, in national and international REDD+ implementation. The programme supports target countries through: Direct support to the design and implementation of National REDD+ Programmes; Complementary tailored support to national REDD+ actions; and Technical capacity building support through sharing of expertise, common approaches, analyses, methodologies, tools, data, best practices and facilitated South-South knowledge sharing.
More information:


Time Sync in Colombia

Country Implementing Partner(s): IDEAM
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2017 - 2018

Colombia is currently using three time-series analysis tools and wants to add the TimeSync methodology to this suite in an effort to improve their land-use/land-cover change products and select the most appropriate tool. Technicians from the Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) visited the United States Forest Service (USFS) research stations as well as Utah State to work with technicians to produce change products based on this system. A final, larger, workshop in Colombia was planned to demonstrate the results. IDEAM’s initial goal for this support was to validate degradation results that they have obtained with a time-series analysis with Landsat.(Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
More information:


Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID),Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR),Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,United States Agency for International Development (USAID),United States Forest Service (USFS),Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): IDEAM
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2018 - 2018

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, integration of various data sets, operationalisation and governance. Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.

Costa Rica

Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest): Accelerating capacity-building, knowledge-sharing and awareness raising

International Partner(s): Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency - Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP),Collaborative Forest Resources Questionnaire (CFRQ),Global Environment Facility (GEF),Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI),International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA),Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB),United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Country Implementing Partner(s): UNFCCC, GFOI, CBIT-GSP
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2024 - 2026

CBIT-Forest, led by FAO, has been designed to accelerate capacity-building, knowledge-sharing and awareness-raising efforts in developing countries. The project aims to enhance the quality, timeliness, accessibility and usability of forest-related data, in line with the enhanced transparency framework (ETF) requirements of the Paris Agreement. It will directly benefit at least 20 countries, with a broader impact on 236 countries and territories associated with the FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) National Correspondent network.

Costa Rica

Development of the data analysis protocol for the land use and land cover inventory subsystem of SIMOCUTE, and training

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): REDD+ Secretariat, National Forestry Financing Fund (FOAFIFO), National Meteorological Institute (IMN), National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), Ministry of Environment and Energy
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2018

One of Costa Rica's national land use, land cover, and ecosystems monitoring system SIMOCUTE's subsystems is a sample-based, photo-interpreted inventory of land use and land cover. The data are produced by interpreting these attributes from high-resolution imagery for a systematic network of permanent plots distributed throughout the country. A study testing the methodology in a small pilot area was recently completed and the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) Technical Secretariat will interpret plots throughout the country during the second half of 2017. The next critical step is to develop the protocol to analyse the data. Staff from the United States Forest Service (USFS) have developed the statistics and a tool to analyse similar data produced by the USFS image-based change estimation (ICE) programme. These individuals will adapt the statistics and tool to the data and needs of Costa Rica and deliver training to develop the in-country capacity to analyze the data. The training will include instruction in the R statistical analysis software, which is used to analyse the data. They will assist with analysing the data produced by the REDD+ Secretariat and provide guidance on the integration of the land-use, land-cover and change data interpreted from imagery with the NFI. The interpreted and field plots will be co-located to facilitate this integration. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Costa Rica

Engaging Central and South American Participants in other SilvaCarbon Trainings

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

The United States Forest Service (USFS), through the SilvaCarbon programme and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mexico bilateral programme, provides training, workshops and study tours on technical areas related to forest carbon and measurement, reporting and verification (MRV). Counterparts in Central and South America working on forest inventories, remote sensing, forest carbon, intensive monitoring sites and other areas will be targeted to participate in regional activities, including, but not limited to, the annual Belowground Carbon Measurement study tour in Michigan and the Mangrove Carbon Measurement workshop in Mexico. Support will also include short- to medium-term technical visits to relevant research institutions and/or USFS units in the United States of America by Andean Amazon host-country partners. This ongoing support will strengthen and contribute to the community and network of forest and terrestrial carbon technical experts. The SilvaCarbon programme has successfully developed long-term partnerships in countries such as Peru, Colombia and Honduras. In an effort to leverage these advances in Latin America and expand to other countries in the region and promote further South-South collaboration, SilvaCarbon will engage countries such as Paraguay, among others, by inviting relevant actors to participate in SilvaCarbon and other activities.

Costa Rica

Expert Workshop on NFI Harmonization in Amazonia and Mesoamerica

International Partner(s): Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE),SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2018

In May, CATIE hosted the second in a series of international workshops designed to assist countries in Mesoamerica and South America harmonize the definitions of forest variables across country political boundaries, as has been accomplished in Europe and North America for key reporting variables. SilvaCarbon supported the participation of United States Forest Service (USFS) forest inventory specialist Sonja Oswalt, who shared information about the harmonization process at the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) meeting in Brazil, 2019. Presentations and other information from the event are available on request. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Costa Rica

GEE training

International Partner(s): Boston University,Google,SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): CENIGA
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2018

SilvaCarbon collaborated with Google and Boston University to deliver a two-day technical training for government and academic partners in Costa Rica on image processing using Google Earth Engine (GEE). The training was organized by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in coordination with the Costa Rica Climate Fellow, due to its relevance to the design of the national land use, land cover, and ecosystems monitoring system SIMOCUTE. The Costa Rica Ministry of Environment announced the event on Facebook. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Costa Rica

GFOI Regional Workshop on LIDAR in South America

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation

Delivered a workshop to evaluate the utility of various Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data sets (terrestrial, unmanned aerial vehicle, airborne) for the estimation of tropical forest biomass in the Amazon countries. Specifically, partners learned to:(a) collect and analyse terrestrial LiDAR data to generate forest biomass estimates in the tropics;(b) collect and analyse LiDAR data collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle to generate forest biomass estimates; collect field plot data to correlate and calibrate the LiDAR collected from the terrestrial LiDAR, UAV LiDAR, and also airborne LiDAR that was collected previously in 2014 by the Government of Peru for the same region; and then evaluate differences in biomass estimates among the three different LiDAR technologies. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)  

Costa Rica

Improved methodologies for measuring and monitoring degradation using statistical analyses to generate degradation data in Costa Rica and Paraguay

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): CENIGA
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

Boston University has developed a degradation algorithm that works within the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. SilvaCarbon will hold training workshops in Costa Rica and Paraguay to test the methodology and start mapping degradation for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) reporting.

Costa Rica

MRV system of FCPF ER Program

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon,United States Agency for International Development (USAID),Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): National Fund for Forest Financing (FONAFIFO), National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC), National Meteorological Institute, Ministry of Environment and Energy (IMN)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: ott-19 - giu-21

-Re-estimation of deforestation emission factors in order to make evident the effect of degradation on biomass density by type of forest. (To be financed)-Development and update of canopy cover-biomass models by type of forest for estimation of emissions from deforestation, and AGB growth models by type of secondary forest for estimation of carbon removals. (Financed)-Update of the tool for estimating forest emissions. (Financed)-Strengthening of the technological platform of the National System for the Monitoring of Land Cover, Land Use and Ecosystems (SIMOCUTE) of Costa Rica (To be financed)-Estimating activity data for deforestation, forest degradation and reforestation period 1998-2018, based on analysis of annual time series of Landsat images. (Financed)-Estimation of carbon densities in non-forest lands. (To be financed)-Assessment of land cover change based on sampling points for the periods 1997-2005-2011-2013-2015-2018. (Financed)-Capacity Building of the members of the Technical Boards of SIMOCUTE. (To be financed)

Costa Rica

National Forest Inventory Technical Assistance

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): SINAC, CENIGA
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018

Costa Rica completed its first national forest inventory (NFI) in 2015 (prior to the development of the national land use, land cover, and ecosystems monitoring system SIMOCUTE) and is preparing to initiate the second cycle of measurements. To satisfy new requirements of SIMOCUTE, a few design modifications were needed, including an expansion to include all lands. The United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have worked extensively with the stakeholders to provide solid design recommendations and to develop inter-institutional support to adopt the changes. While the new design has now been well documented and accepted by the country, a significant amount of work lies ahead to put the theoretical changes into practice and to integrate the updated design into their processes and procedures. It is proposed to provide additional technical support to SINAC and carry out a series of technical work sessions to ensure the proper implementation of the design changes.

Costa Rica

Pilot study technical assistance and analysis of results

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservación (SINAC), Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía (MINAE)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2018

The United States Forest Service (USFS) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) personnel have worked closely with their Costa Rican counterparts to develop the proposed changes to the national forest inventory (NFI). The USFS representative working closely with Costa Rica throughout this process will provide technical support during the piloting process to help the country address issues that may arise and recommend other design adjustments as needed. Assistance with analysing the data produced by the pilot study would also be provided. This contract would include one visit to Costa Rica during the pilot phase. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Costa Rica

Step-by-step documentation of the analysis of visually interpreted, sample-based Land use and land cover data

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): National University, REDD+ Secretariat, CENIGA, Technological Institute of Costa Rica, National Meteorological Institute
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

One of Costa Rica's national land use, land cover, and ecosystems monitoring system SIMOCUTE's most advanced subsystems uses visual interpretation of land use and land cover from 10 181 systematically distributed plots to characterize the state and change of these attributes. The resulting data will satisfy a variety of national and international reporting requirements and, in the future, will be the source of activity data for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) and greenhouse gas reporting. At the end of 2017, the REDD+ Technical Secretariat interpreted all of the plots for two dates and is moving forward with plans to interpret other dates and intensify the grid of plots in areas of change to improve the precision of the change estimates. In FY18 the SilvaCarbon programme supported two United States Forest Service (USFS) experts to deliver initial training on how to implement the challenging analysis of the data using appropriate statistical techniques. The training was well received and many of the recommendations were adopted. However, as the data are very complex, there is still some confusion, as well as a lack of understanding of how to incorporate and analyse an intensified sample in areas of change, which was not fully addressed in the first training. Because of the importance of the information and complexity of the process, the country has requested a guide to present the statistical theory and describe the analysis in a step-by-step fashion. Additional training on how to incorporate the intensified sample into the base sample is also needed. It is proposed that SilvaCarbon funding be used to finance the support of USFS experts and a professor from a Costa Rican university to jointly develop the step-by-step analysis guide to ensure the theory is well understood in the country and well-documented. It is proposed the professor travel to the US to work one-on-one with the USFS experts to develop the requested documentation. The USFS specialists would also travel to Costa Rica to deliver a training on incorporating the intensified sample data from change areas and analyzing the data.

Costa Rica

Technical assistance in MRV processes

International Partner(s): Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD),Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ),REDD+ Regional Program
Country Implementing Partner(s): National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2011 - 2016

Accompaniment, technical assistance, methodological development and acquisition of high resolution satellite images for mapping processes of forest cover, national map of forest types, national forest inventory and constructions of allometric functions for forest types representative of the country. Strengthening of technical capacities and exchange of experiences with other countries.
More information:

Costa Rica

Train the trainer and trainings on the statistical analysis of sample-based, visually interpreted land-use and land-cover data

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): National University, REDD+ Secretariat, CENIGA, Technological Institute of Costa Rica, National Meteorological Institute
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

In conjunction with the step-by-step guide proposed in the previous activity, it is proposed that United States Forest Service (USFS) experts and the Costa Rica university professor also jointly develop a tool in R statistical analysis software to analyse the data. They would also develop training materials for a series of one-day mini-training sessions to teach the other interested parties in the country how to analyse the data. During these sessions, taught by the university professor, participants would strengthen their knowledge of R, work through any issues encountered with Costa Rican data, and gain knowledge of how to analyse the data themselves.

Costa Rica

Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID),Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR),Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,United States Agency for International Development (USAID),United States Forest Service (USFS),Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Fonafifo; Sinac
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2018 - 2018

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, integration of various data sets, operationalisation and governance. Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.

Costa Rica

Training: Advanced land use/land cover (LULC) mapping, LULC change, and forest degradation

International Partner(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): CENIGA, REDD+ Secretariat, FONAFIFO, SINAC, IMN, National Geographic Institute, local universities, FAO, Ministry of Environment and Energy
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

In 2018, Costa Rica began actively develop the mapping subsystem of the national land use, land cover, and ecosystems monitoring system SIMOCUTE, which has lagged behind the other subsystems, according to the country's priorities. The country is now anxious to develop its knowledge and capacity to use advanced remote-sensing technologies to create maps for the country. In particular, the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) Technical Secretariat needs to develop change maps that can be used to stratify the visually interpreted sample plots described in the previous activities to improve the precision of the future activity data for REDD+ and greenhouse gas reporting, among other initiatives. They also wish to develop the capacity to use time-series analysis to detect forest degradation to improve estimates of emissions from degradation. It is proposed that specialists deliver an advanced remote sensing training using an appropriate analysis platform, with emphasis on land cover mapping, change detection, and/or detecting forest degradation. Following initial training, the specialists would provide consistent remote and in-person technical assistance as needed, so that Costa Rica can apply these remote-sensing technologies to develop accurate change maps over time.

Dominican Republic

Direct technical assistance on national forest inventory for Central American and Caribbean countries

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Climate Change Department
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2018

In the Dominican Republic, SilvaCarbon will provide technical assistance with the NFI, and potentially introduce key tools to help organize and compile data and estimates for IPCC reporting, such as the Agriculture and Land Use National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Software (ALU tool). SilvaCarbon will continue to work with Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and potentially the Dominican Republic to improve national forest inventories (NFIs) so that they are statistically robust and integrate country and regional-level information needs. This is required for their measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems. The NFI designs of these countries need to be developed or improved to be more statistically robust and consistent over time to support forest management and conservation planning, feed into the national greenhouse gas inventory, and provide data for national Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) MRV systems. To carry out the work, SilvaCarbon will facilitate one to two technical missions to each country. These missions will be conducted by United States Forest Service (USFS) experts in NFI, quality analysis/quality control, fuels, agriculture and land use (ALU), and data analysis, who will provide targeted assistance. The USFS experts will also provide ongoing remote assistance (e.g. conference calls, email correspondence). Direct technical support may also include visits by country counterparts to key offices/institutions in the United States of America. Additionally, USFS will contract the services of an NFI expert to provide continued support in the development and use of cost-analysis tools to help countries examine possible costs associated with NFI design decisions. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Dominican Republic

Engaging Central and South American Participants in other SilvaCarbon Trainings

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

The United States Forest Service (USFS), through the SilvaCarbon programme and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mexico bilateral programme, provides training, workshops and study tours on technical areas related to forest carbon and measurement, reporting and verification (MRV). Counterparts in Central and South America working on forest inventories, remote sensing, forest carbon, intensive monitoring sites and other areas will be targeted to participate in regional activities, including, but not limited to, the annual Belowground Carbon Measurement study tour in Michigan and the Mangrove Carbon Measurement workshop in Mexico. Support will also include short- to medium-term technical visits to relevant research institutions and/or USFS units in the United States of America by Andean Amazon host-country partners. This ongoing support will strengthen and contribute to the community and network of forest and terrestrial carbon technical experts. The SilvaCarbon programme has successfully developed long-term partnerships in countries such as Peru, Colombia and Honduras. In an effort to leverage these advances in Latin America and expand to other countries in the region and promote further South-South collaboration, SilvaCarbon will engage countries such as Paraguay, among others, by inviting relevant actors to participate in SilvaCarbon and other activities.

Dominican Republic

GFOI Regional Workshop on LIDAR in South America

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation

Delivered a workshop to evaluate the utility of various Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data sets (terrestrial, unmanned aerial vehicle, airborne) for the estimation of tropical forest biomass in the Amazon countries. Specifically, partners learned to:(a) collect and analyse terrestrial LiDAR data to generate forest biomass estimates in the tropics;(b) collect and analyse LiDAR data collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle to generate forest biomass estimates; collect field plot data to correlate and calibrate the LiDAR collected from the terrestrial LiDAR, UAV LiDAR, and also airborne LiDAR that was collected previously in 2014 by the Government of Peru for the same region; and then evaluate differences in biomass estimates among the three different LiDAR technologies. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Dominican Republic

MRV system of FCPF ER Program

International Partner(s): European Space Agency (ESA),Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: ott-19 - giu-21

-Determination of the loss of organic carbon from the soil due to deforestation in the main forest types of the Dominican Republic (Financed)-Estimating emission factors for primary and secondary forests in the Dominican Republic (Financed)-Training to estimate activity data on deforestation, forest degradation and forest regeneration, based on forest probability maps developed with terraPulse methodology (Financed)-Training to estimate forest carbon emissions and removals and their uncertainty, due to land use change and forest degradation (Financed)-Training for land use change detection, using the Google Earth Engine and Boston University tools (To be financed)

Dominican Republic

Technical assistance in MRV processes

International Partner(s): Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD),Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ),REDD+ Regional Program,UN-REDD,Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2011 - 2017

Accompaniment, technical assistance, methodological development and acquisition of high-resolution satellite images for mapping processes of forest cover, national map of forest types, national forest inventory and support in the creation of the forest monitoring unit. Strengthening of technical capacities and exchange of experiences with other countries.

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