
FAO and partners are delighted to invite you to the online seminar “Peatland mapping and monitoring” on Wednesday 18 March 2020 at 9:15 am - 10:45h am CET. The seminar will present a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with leading experts, launch FAO’s publication “Peatland mapping and monitoring: recommendations and...
Civil society organisations can apply to NICFI call for proposals by 19 May 2020 The Norwegian Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) has announced a call for proposals for funding for civil society organisations for the period 2021-2025 with an application deadline extended to 19 May 2020. Civil society organisations are invited to...
The Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) has unveiled a new portal for tracking international capacity development support to developing countries in forest monitoring. The GFOI Inventory of Activities provides easy-to-access information on the assistance being delivered by the international community to developing countries to improve their forest monitoring capabilities. The Inventory...
GFOI Partners the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) will work together to strenghten the accessibility and accuracy of forest monitoring systems in developing countries. FAO and the FCPF will create professional training and guidance material to increase the...
Japan will provide free and open access to a suite of data from their satellites. The announcement was made at the GEO Ministerial Summit held in Canberra, Australia last week (GEO Week 2019). The radar data and associated information will be made available by GFOI partner the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency...
GFOI’s partner the Food and Agriculture Organization announces a new collaboration with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to help countries generate reliable and accessible forest data, in line with the Paris Agreement’s enhanced transparency requirements. The project will strengthen the institutional and technical capacities of developing countries to collect, analyze and...

