السجل العالمي لسفن الصيد وسفن النقل المبرّدة وسفن التموين

COFI 31 commends Strategy Document and Prototype of the Global Record

©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti / FAO

Whilst reiterating its support for the Global Record’s continued development by FAO, the thirty-first session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI), held in Rome (9 – 13 June 2014), commended FAO on the preparation of the strategy document and the demonstration of the prototype.

COFI also welcomed FAO’s efforts in coordinating the Global Record with existing systems to keep it cost-effective, while working towards standardization at the global level.

COFI appreciated the collaboration with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in extending its ship identification number scheme to fishing vessels and agreed that this should be used as the Global Record’s Unique Vessel Identifier for Phase 1.

At the same time, COFI noted that several RFMOs (Regional Fisheries Management Organizations) have made provisions for the IMO number to be compulsory in their convention areas; it agreed that States were responsible for the data and its provision to the Global Record; and appreciated FAO’s continued assistance to developing States.

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