
Regional Workshops: Development and strengthening of soil statistics and indicators for decision making and planning in Latin America

Organized with the support of the Instituto de Geográfico Agustín Codazzi de Colombia (IGAC)


Regional Workshop: The Use of Soil Data for Decision-Making and Planning in Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean: The Latin American and Caribbean Soil Information System (SISLAC) Roadmap

Organized with the support of the Instituto de Geográfico Agustín Codazzi de Colombia (IGAC)

9 July 2018. Bogotá, Colombia


The objective of this seminar-workshop is to create a space in which the countries of the region can share the state of progress of their environmental indicators and analyze the importance of SISLAC soil data for decision-making and land-use planning, related to food security, climate change and the geospatial dimension of environmental statistics, through the activities of the Global and Regional Soil Partnership.


The sustained production of soil information is essential for monitoring progress on the Agenda 2030 and national development plans. In 2012, FAO created a soil information system in Latin America, the SISLAC, which initially relied on a series of data provided by the countries and culminated, in the first stage, with the generation of soil maps at a scale of 1:1,000,000. Since June 2017, the regional soil project has been carrying out a series of training courses on digital soil mapping and a new SISLAC design is being carried out to strengthen the soil information capacities of participating countries. The soil and environmental statistics team is available to assist the countries of the region on this subject, articulating a regional network of expertise, resources and mutual support. The updated system will be hosted by free software on the FAO platform in Rome. In this way, and according to FAO's soil data policy, (http://www.fao.org/3/a-bs975e.pdf) countries will be able to give credit to the institutions that generate the data and maintain control over all the data that are integrated into the system.

Agenda | List of participants | Presentations | Photogallery

Sub-regional digital mapping workshop

July 3-7, 2018 at the IGAC in Bogotá, Colombia

Three main objectives:

1) Update participants with state-of-the-art knowledge tools on Digital Soil Mapping (DSM), and address new soil properties, new resolutions and dynamic data related to soil formation.

2) Strengthen the current capacities in Digital Soil Mapping in Latin America and follow-up content development for the countries soil information systems.

3) Design a reproducible model of statistical classification of soil-territorial units based on spatially explicit variability of soil properties contained in available databases and other data sources.


In 2017, thanks to the RSP initiative, three training workshops on digital soil mapping were held in Aguascalientes Mexico, Montevideo Uruguay and Santiago de Chile. The main focus of these workshops were the mapping of soil organic carbon. Given the opportunity offered by the DSM to generate and update soil information, it is proposed to strengthen the knowledge acquired and address: 1) new properties, 2) finer resolutions, and 3) integrative approaches that facilitate the monitoring of soil condition and its productive capacity. As the next step it was proposed to strengthen the knowledge of the participants on DSM for the sustainable management of soils in areas without available/updated soil information. 

Agenda | Report | Summary of the achievements | Photogallery

Regular meeting of the South American Soil Partnership

Jointly organized by the South America and the Caribbean Regional Soil Partnership, with the support of the Instituto de Geográfico Agustín Codazzi de Colombia (IGAC)

Agenda | Report | Presentations | Photogallery

10th July