KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

February 2021
This report explores the seasonal patterns of acute malnutrition and its key drivers in the Goz Beida Region of Chad. The findings reveal a nuanced and complex seasonal pattern of wasting characterized by two different sized peaks, each likely with different drivers. The primary and larger peak is at the start of the rains and [...]
Organized by Women and Gender in International Development at Virginia Tech
The Women and Gender in International Development team at the Center for International Research, Education, and Development (CIRED) of Virginia Tech invites students, faculty, practitioners, extension professionals, and all interested individuals to an intensive learning and networking opportunity engaging renowned [...]
Dans le contexte actuel de conditions climatiques extrêmes, de pauvreté, de crises prolongées et d'urgences sanitaires, les inégalités socioéconomiques se creusent et les zones rurales sont à la traîne.  Ce webinaire lancera la série de cinq webinaires appelés « Journées d’engagement [...]
Livestock for Health (L4H)
This report presents findings from a community participatory study conducted to determine the seasonality of malnutrition and factors associated with malnutrition among children and women in Laisamis subcounty, Marsabit County. The study was conducted as part of the Livestock for Health (L4H) project. This [...]
The first  Gobeshona Conference, Research into Action on Locally-Led Adaptation, an event fully virtual, will be held on January 18th, 16:00-17:30 UTC. "From measuring resilience to advancing resilience practice" as part of the Conference, the event will comprise two short panels: Advancing resilience measurement in the [...]