Supporting Responsible Investments in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI)

Youth represents over one third of the population in Liberia and Sierra Leone. They have a critical role to play in the future of agriculture and food security. However, every day young people move away from agriculture because of the very limited opportunities there are for them. With financial support from the Federal Government of Germany, FAO supports the governments of Liberia and Sierra Leone to enhance responsible investment in agriculture with a strong focus on enabling youth to become responsible agricultural investors.
With financial support from the Federal Government of Germany, FAO works with change agents in Liberia and Sierra Leone to promote more inclusive decision-making processes, policies and regulations related to agricultural investment. Through capacity development, advocacy and awareness raising activities with key stakeholders, FAO's action aims at creating an enabling policy environment for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems, thus contributing to reducing poverty and hunger in these countries.
To achieve a hunger free world by 2030 we need more and better investments in agri-food systems. This means investing responsibly for the people and the planet. Investments are responsible only when they ensure human rights, including the right to food.
Increased investment in agriculture and food systems – from both the private and public sectors – is critical to enhance food security and nutrition, reduce poverty, and adapt to climate change. To generate sustainable benefits, this investment must be responsible. Responsible investment in agriculture and food systems is primarily determined by the enabling environment. Hence, beyond the essential public investment that governments make in the agricultural sector, governments also play an important role in facilitating and supporting responsible investment by small-scale producers and other private sector investors in agriculture and food systems. Strategic policy interventions, such as targeted investment incentives, can help to steer investors to invest more and in a responsible manner, with a view to promoting sustainable development and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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