FAO in India

FAO participates in the Global Millets Conference at New Delhi, India, March 18, 2023


On March 18, 2023, the Global Millets (Shree Anna) Conference was inaugurated by India’s Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi - at the National Agricultural Science Complex, New Delhi, India. The FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative Asia Pacific, Mr Jong-Jin Kim attended this event and commended the Government of India’s leadership for taking forward this global initiative, as part of the International Year of Millets. He said that the initiative would also be a contribution towards eradicating hunger and improving livelihoods of the farmers. Dr Aziz Elbehri, Senior Policy Officer and Module leader (Socio-Economic Policy & Rural Development), and FAO Representative ad interim in India, was amongst the key dignitaries at the event.

At the session on ‘Health and Nutritional Benefits of Millets’, Mr Kim highlighted the main challenges, opportunities and actions needed to strengthen the millet value chains. He stated that FAO is committed to supporting practices for better production, better nutrition and better environment in India and globally. At the panel discussion session on ‘Millets as Super Foods’, Dr Elbehri shared insights on the global status of millet production and consumption, and the factors driving international trade in millets.