FAO in India


18 April 2016
Indian Researcher and Professor Kadambot Siddique has been named Ambassador for the International Year of Pulses in the Asia-Pacific Region.
17 March 2016
FAO India and Society for Social and Economic Research organised a day-long workshop on "Measurement of Undernourishment and Food Insecurity" in New Delhi. The workshop was attended by senior officials from the National Statistical Commission (including Central Statistical Office and the National Sample Survey Organisation), various Ministries of the Government,...
14 March 2016
FAO India and Society for Social and Economic Research organised a day-long panel discussion on "Ending Malnutrition and Food Insecurity: Global Perspectives and Challenges in India" in New Delhi. The Panel Discussion was around the themes of two FAO publications: "Ending Malnutrition: From Commitment to Action" and "State Food Provisioning...
10 March 2016
Forty-four countries in the Asia-Pacific region have called on the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to move forward with regional efforts to eradicate hunger, malnutrition and counter threats to agriculture from climate change by 2030.
10 March 2016
While the Asia-Pacific region has shown remarkable progress in reducing poverty and hunger during the last 25 years, it can lead the world in the complete eradication of these scourges within the next 15 years, FAO’s Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific heard today.