IFAD’s Internal Guidelines. Economic and Financial Analysis of Rural Investment Projects (2012)
A guide for project M&E (IFAD)
A rough guide to Participatory Poverty Assessment (ODI, 2001)
Accelerating CAADP Country Implementation. A Guide for Implementors (NEPAD, 2010)
African Development Bank Group’s Policy on the Environment (2004)
African Development Bank: Involuntary resettlement policy (2003)
Agriculture investment sourcebook (World Bank, 2005)
Aid Delivery Methods - Project Cycle Management Guidelines (EU, 2004)
Annotated Example of a Project Logframe Matrix (IFAD)
Annual Work Plan Template - Format with monitoring component (UNDP, 2011)
Asian Development Bank project cycle
Asian Development Bank: Safeguard policy statement (2009)
CAADP Pillar III - Framework for African Food Security (NEPAD, 2009)
CFS Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (2014)
Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook (FAO, 2013)
Combining quantitative (formal) and qualitative (informal) survey methods (DFID, 2001)
Compendium of Indicators for Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture (FAO, 2016)
Conducting quality impact evaluations under budget, time and data constraints (World Bank, 2006)
Coping with Risk in Agriculture (Hardaker, Huirne, Anderson & Lien, 2004); 2nd Edition, CABI Publishing, Wallingford
COSTAB and Financial and Economic Analysis Training Course (FAO, 2012)
Country CAADP Implementation Guidelines under the Malabo Declaration (2016)
Data for Impact Evaluation (World Bank, 2007)
Designing a results framework for achieving results: A how-to guide (Word Bank, 2012)
Designing Impact Evaluations for Agricultural Projects (IADB, 2010)
E-learning course on "Assessing Impact of Development Programmes on Food Security" (FAO, 2010)
E-learning course on "Gender in Food and Nutrition Security" (FAO, 2014)
E-learning course on "Governing land for women and men" (FAO, 2015)
E-learning course on "RuralInvest: preparing effective investment project proposals" (FAO, 2012)
E-learning course on "Social Analysis for agriculture and rural investment projects" (FAO, 2013)
E-learning course on "Social Analysis for agriculture and rural investment projects" (FAO, 2013)
E-learning course on “Agreeing on causes of malnutrition for joint action” (FAO, 2015)
E-learning course on “Nutrition, Food Security and Livelihoods: Basic concepts” (FAO, 2015)
EBRD, Environmental and Social Policy (2008)
Economic analysis of agricultural projects (World Bank / J.Price Gittinger, 1984)
Environmental and social (E&S) management Guidelines (FAO, 2015)
Environmental impact assessment - Guidelines for FAO Field Projects (FAO, 2012)
Ex Ante Appraisal Carbon-balance (EX-ACT) Tool (FAO)
FAO Approaches to capacity development in programming: Processes and Tools (2012)
From Results Chain to an M&E Plan (IFAD, 2011)
Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook (FAO, World Bank, IFAD, 2008)
Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management (OECD, 2004)
Good Practice template (FAO, 2014)
Governing land for women and men (FAO, 2013)
Guidance Note Scaling up development programmes (UNDP, 2013)
Guidelines for the design of agricultural investment projects (FAO, 1995)
Guidelines for using programmatic approaches in agriculture (ECOWAS/FAO, 2011)
Guidelines on Poverty and Livelihoods Analysis for Targeting in IFAD-supported Projects (IFAD)
Handbook for Integrating Risk Analysis in the Economic Analysis of Projects (ADB, 2002)
Handbook on planning, monitoring and evaluating for development results (UNDP, 2009)
Handbook on project implementation (ADB, 2012)
How can we improve public expenditures in agriculture? (World Bank, 2011)
How-to-Note on preparing an operational plan (DFID, 2010)
IFAD - Results and Impact Management System
IFAD’s Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures (2014)
Impact Evaluation in Practice (World Bank, 2013)
Impact Evaluation of small and medium enterprise programs in Mexico (World Bank, 2010)
Impact Evaluation: Methodological and Operational Issues (ADB, 2006)
Impacts of CAADP on Africa’s agricultural-led development (IFPRI, 2016)
Implementation Strategy and Roadmap to Achieve the 2025 vision of CAADP (2015)
Integrating risk management tools and policies into CAADP: options and challenges (FAO, NEPAD, 2013)
Inter-American Development Bank: Environment and safeguards compliance policy (2006)
Introduction to COSTAB (World Bank, 2001)
Introduction to Results Management: Principles, Implications, and Applications (ADB, 2006)
Investment and Resource Mobilisation Sector Wide Approaches (FAO, 2007)
Investment Project Financing - Preparing the Project Appraisal Document (PAD) (World Bank, 2013)
Investment Project Financing Economic Analysis - Guidance Note (World Bank, 2013)
Key Recommendations for improving nutrition through agriculture (FAO, 2015)
Linkages between CAADP and Sector Approaches in Agriculture (Dietvorst, D, 2011)
Living Standards Measurement Study (World Bank)
Making Evaluations Matter. A Practical Guide for Evaluators (C. Kusters, 2011)
Module 4: impact evaluation at household level (FAO/ Land Administration Projects Platform)
Monitoring Report of the Bangladesh Country Investment Plan (NFPCSP, 2014)
Operating expense budget planning template
Overview of methods for baseline assessments (FAO M&E Technical Advisory Notes Series)
Performance monitoring indicator Handbook (Word Bank, 1996)
Policy and social impact analysis (PSIA) toolkit (World Bank, 2003)
Policy and social impact analysis (PSIA) user’s guide (World Bank, 2003)
Practitioners’ toolkit for agriculture public expenditure analysis (World Bank, 2011)
Problem Tree Analysis (MDF, 2005)
Procurement Guidelines (IFAD, 2010)
Procurement Guidelines (Inter-American Development Bank, 2006)
Project Planning and Management-C134 Unit Ten: Monitoring and Evaluation (SOAS, 2013)
Promoting investment in agriculture for increased production and productivity (FAO, 2013)
Reference Material on the Operational Risk Assessment (World Bank)
Results-Based Management Handbook (UNDG, 2011)
RISK Software © - free trial version
RuralInvest Module 1: Participatory identification of local investment priorities (FAO, 2006)
RuralInvest Module 3: Detailed Project Formulation and Analysis (FAO, 2007)
Scaling Up Community-Driven Development for Dummies (World Bank, 2004)
Scaling up in development cooperation: Practical guidelines (GTZ 2010)
Scaling-up the Impact of Good Practices in Rural Development (Word Bank, 2003)
Sector Approaches in Agriculture and Rural Development (EuropeAid, 2008)
Sector Wide Approaches in Agriculture and Rural Development (FAO/EasyPol, 2008)
Social analysis for agriculture and rural investment projects: Manager's Guide (FAO, 2011)
Social analysis for agriculture and Rural investment projects: Practitioner's Guide (FAO, 2011)
Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (UNDP, 2016)
Social Development Issues in Sector-wide Approaches (DFID, 1998)
Stocktaking of M&E and Management Information Systems (FAO, 2012)
Supporting Agriculture Growth under CAADP using a Sector Wide Approach (FAO 2012)
Ten Steps to a results-based Monitoring and Evaluation System (World Bank, 2004)
The CAADP Results Framework (2015-2025) (NEPAD, 2015)
The Economic Advantage. Assessing the value of climate-change actions in agriculture (IFAD, 2016)
The Role of Evaluation in Results-based Management (UNEG, 2007)
The State of Food and Agriculture – Investing in agriculture for a better future (FAO, 2012)
The use of monitoring and evaluation in agriculture and rural development projects (FAO, 2010)
Use of Randomization in the Evaluation of Development Effectiveness (E. Duflo and M. Kremer, 2003)
Video tutorials for RuralInvest (FAO, 2016)
Workshop on “Formulation of Investment Projects in Agriculture and Rural Development” (FAO, 2009)
World Development Report - Agriculture for development (World Bank, 2008)
Writing terms of reference for an evaluation: a how-to guide (World Bank, 2011)