

23/10/2019 - 25/10/2019 Torremolinos, Spain
The Joint FAO/IMO Ad Hoc Working Group on IUU fishing and related matters will be meeting later on this year in Torremolinos, Spain.  The meeting will be held between Wednesday 23 and Friday 25 October 2019.
15/05/2019 - 17/05/2019 Seoul, Republic of Korea
The PSMA Technical Working Group on Information Exchange (TWG-IE) is an informal open-ended technical working group created by the Parties to provide guidance on elaborating information exchange mechanisms and other technical matters, including the need to provide for varying levels...
Global Record
13/05/2019 - 14/05/2019 Seoul, Republic of Korea
Experts from FAO member States, Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) will be meeting in Seoul, Republic of Korea, for the fifth meeting of the Global Record Informal Open-Ended Technical and Advisory Working Group. More information is available...
27/11/2018 - 13/12/2018 Vigo, Spain
An inspectors’ training course will be held between 27 November and 13 December 2018, for sixteen senior inspectors and relevant control officers from Madagascar, Guinea and Mauritania.  The course will be held in French, and run by the Food and Agriculture...
09/07/2018 - 13/07/2018 意大利罗马
渔业委员会(COFI)第33届会议将于2018年7月9 – 13日在意大利罗马FAO总部举行。联合国、联合国机构和专门机构、区域渔业机构、国际组织和国际非政府组织的代表将参与辩论,但没有投票权。除主会外,若干周边会议将同日举办。自1977年起,渔委会会议每两年举办一次。COFI上次会议于 2016年7月11 – 15日举行。
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