Земельные и водные ресурсы


В этом разделе представлены новостные статьи о работе ФАО в области земельных и водных ресурсов. 


At the heart of sustainable development lies one simple question: how do we ensure that the social, environmental and economic needs of people and planet are all met? Considering this question is crucial in territorial development so that land and water is used and managed appropriately – to ensure food production...
AquaCrop Version 6.0 is now available! Version 6.0 of AquaCrop, the crop-water productivity model developed by FAO to address food security and assess the effect of the environment and management on crop production, has now been released on the AquaCrop website. The new features of version 6.0 are: It enhances simulation of crop...
First gathering of Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture agrees on the Rome Statement to drive action, safeguard food production
New FAO tool offers water-scarce countries and river basins a way to boost productivity
To mark World Water Day, FAO urges the safe use of wastewater, especially in agriculture
Symposium, report shine light on critical role of terrestrial carbon sinks
Sustainable water use for agriculture requires transforming food systems and diets
Resolution places emphasis on sustainable development and integrated management of water resources
The General Assembly has proclaimed the decade 2018-2028 as the International Decade for Action ‘Water for Sustainable Development’ to begin on World Water Day 22 March 2018 and ending on World Water Day, 22 March 2028. The draft resolution states amongst others that emphasis should be given to sustainable development...