FAO in Mongolia

International Year of Pulses: Asia and the Pacific Regional Dialogue (24-25 October 2016)


The Asia and the Pacific Regional Dialogue on the International Year of Pulses in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia is being hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO) in cooperation with the Mongolia Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MOFALI). Participants from 12 UNFAO member countries including Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Iran, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Vietnam gathered to discuss the current status of pulses and legumes in their countries and build stronger relations between experts.

Prof. Kadambot Saddique, Special International Year of Pulses Ambassador from Australia, presented the keynote speech which provided an overview of the numerous benefits of pulses. Dr. Bayarsukh, Director of the Institute of Plant and Agricultural Sciences (Darkhan, Mongolia) and Chairperson of the International Year of Pulses for Mongolia, also gave a keynote speech highlighting the development of pulses in Mongolia which has great market demand in the animal feed sector for pulses. Country papers highlighted successes and challenges to further development of pulses. A common issue is the relatively low investment in pulses for research and extension compared to grain crops in the region despite the huge soil and nutritional benefits which would accrue from greater pulse production and consumption.