The Mountain Partnership is a Type 2 outcome of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD, 2002), acting as an umbrella alliance for promoting specific regional and thematic activities. The Mountain Partnership is bringing countries, groups and organizations together to work towards a common goal: to improve the lives of mountain people and protect mountain environments around the world. |
Since mountains came to the forefront of global concerns at the Earth Summit in 1992, there have been growing networks and partnerships for mountains between mountain people, governments, donor agencies, implementing agencies, non-governmental organizations, civil society groups, the private sector, scientists and many others. |
The Partnership is open to membership from all sectors and includes not only governments, but also inter-governmental organizations and representatives of major groups (NGOs, research institutes, civil society groups) and the private sector , whose objectives and activities are consistent with the vision and mission of the Mountain Partnership, and who fulfil the criteria for membership. |
Criteria for membership of the Mountain Partnership include: endorsement of the general principles, values and objectives of the Mountain Partnership; active involvement in sustainable mountain development; being a formal entity, with a proven level of stability in terms of funding and organizational capacity; capacity to fulfil the membership roles and responsibilities, as defined by the Mountain Partnership in "Mountain Partnership Governance and Strategy 2022-2025".
Those interested in joining the Mountain Partnership, should send a message to [email protected], indicating the activities of their country /group / organization in mountain development, their interests in joining the Partnership and intended contribution/s, as well as the name and e-mail address of a designated focal point and alternate/s. For more information, visit |
Members are expected to initiate and/or participate in collaborative activities with other members. |
Country members play a key role as catalysts for action on the ground. These members are well-placed to understand local needs and priorities, support community development and act as a bridge between local communities, central governments, regional institutions and international agencies. |
The Mountain Partnership does not substitute action and commitments by governments towards achieving sustainable mountain development. Governments, inter-governmental organizations and major groups are all key actors working together and building on the comparative advantage that each brings to the Mountain Partnership. |
A regular member brings their relevant expertise, knowledge, skills and activities (completed, on-going and planned). |
The Mountain Partnership is supported by a Secretariat, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and financed through contributions from the governments of Italy, Switzerland and Andorra. |
The Secretariat supports the Mountain Partnership by acting as a networking and liaison point for members: it connects people and activities in mountain development to ensure greater participation, coherence and impact. |
The Mountain Partnership Secretariat does not fund the activities of members. The main responsibility for accessing funds (e.g. preparing and presenting funding proposals) and fund raising will lie with members themselves. The Secretariat will not manage or distribute funds that are externally raised and intended to support specific activities and Initiatives of members. |
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