Ebola crippling agriculture and livelihoods in Northern Liberia
22 September 2014, Monrovia--- Concerns about the impact of Ebola on vulnerable populations in Liberia have now been confirmed today in a new report released today by FAO. According to the initial results of assessments conducted in the north of the country agricultural production in the worst affected communities has decreased dramatically.

Alexis Bonte is the ad interim FAO Representative in Liberia on the phone in Monrovia. In the following interview he elaborates on the implications of these issues.
7min. 30sec.
Sujet(s): Agriculture & cultures, Développement rural ou agricole, Faim & insécurité alimentaire, Production & stocks alimentaires, Sécurité alimentaire, Situations d’urgence/Crises
Produit par: Sandra Ferrari
Référence: 10737