FAO Food Price Index falls to its lowest value since September 2009
©FAO/Desirey Minkoh
4 June 2015, Rome--- Major food commodity prices declined again in May, hitting an almost six-year low as cereal prices fell substantially amid a favourable outlook for this year’s harvests. The FAO Food Price Index averaged 166.8 points in May, down 1.4 percent from April and as much as 20.7 percent from a year earlier. FAO has also upgraded its May 2015 forecast for global production of wheat, coarse grains and rice, anticipating bigger maize harvests in China and Mexico as well as more abundant wheat harvests in Africa and North America.

Concepción Calpe is a senior economist with FAO. In the following interview she elaborates on the index this month and what these figures are telling us. (Interview conducted by Sandra Ferrari)
Sujet(s): Agriculture & cultures, Développement rural ou agricole, Faim & insécurité alimentaire, Prix des denrées alimentaires, Production & stocks alimentaires, Sécurité alimentaire
Produit par: FAO
Référence: 11194