Diagnostic Tools for Investment (DTI) in water for agriculture and energy

The Context Tool represents the analytical framework for understanding the potential contribution of the sustainable use of water resources for agricultural and energy production at country level.

A set of context dimensions, sub-dimensions and primary indicators have been selected in order to characterize the state of relevant economic, social, and environmental aspects, that guide the development of water resources for agriculture and energy production (see graph below). The dimensions include: (1) Agriculture, (2) Irrigation, (3) Food security, poverty and food self-sufficiency, (4) Water resources and hydropower and (5) Environment and Climate change.

From the list of indicators defined, a subset of key indicators is derived to help the identification of the need and potential to invest in water for agriculture and energy. These indicators are used to produce two indexes: the Investment Need Index (INI) and the Investment Potential Index (IPI) that are visually represented using radar graphs.

The INI illustrates the need to invest in water resources for increased food and energy production, while the IPI shows the potential of investing in those resources for the same purposes. The greater (lower) is the INI the higher (lower) is the need for investment in water for agriculture and electricity production; on the other hand, the greater (lower) is IPI the higher (lower) is the investment potential in irrigation and hydropower development. The indexes and radar graphs are also useful for synoptically comparing the performance of different countries on the key indicators.


Economic and social importance
  • Agriculture share in GDP
  • Economically active population in agriculture over total economically active population
  • Rural population over Total population
  • Cultivated land
  • Crop yield of five main crops
  • Agriculture related
    • Prevalence of undernourishment (%) Average import dependency ratio for five major staple crops (%)
    • Rural population over Total population (%)
    • Non equipped area for full control irrigation over total cultivated land (%)
  • Energy related
    • Population without access to electricity over total population (%)
    • Electricity import dependency ratio (%)
Country INI - Agriculture INI - Hydropower
Country 32.01 42.43
  • Area equipped for irrigation by type
  • Irrigation potential
  • Area equipped for irrigation by source of water
  • Water requirement ratio
  • Percentage of area equipped for irrigation actually irrigated
Level of food insecurity and poverty
  • Levels of undernourishment
  • Poverty headcount ratio
Self sufficiency and food trade
  • Average import dependency ratio for the five main commodities
  • Share of agricultural exports/imports in total exported/imported merchandise
  • Value of agricultural exports/imports
  • Agriculture related
    • Percentage of irrigation potential non-equipped for full control irrigation (%)
    • 1- Water requirement ratio (%)
    • Percentage of area equipped for full control irrigation non irrigated (%)
  • Energy related
    • Share of unexploited hydropower potential over total hydropower potential (%)
    • Share of non-renewables in electricity production (%)
Country IPI - Agriculture IPI - Hydropower
Country 24.66 40
Water availability
  • Total renewable water resources per capita
  • Total actual renewable water resources
  • Treated municipal wastewater
  • Desalinated water produced
  • Dependency ratio
Water use
  • Freshwater withdrawal as % of total actual renewable water resources
  • Water withdrawals by sector
Storage Capacity
  • Freshwater withdrawal as % of total actual renewable water resources
  • Water withdrawals by sector
Hydropower production and use
  • Electricity - Total Hydropower production
  • Electricity - gross production, imports and exports
  • Electricity - total net installed capacity of electric hydropower plants
  • Gross Theoretical hydropower potential
  • Population without access to electricity
  • Share of hydro electricity over total electricity production


Investment Need Index (INI) Investment Potential Index (IPI)
Country INI - Agriculture INI - Hydropower IPI - Agriculture IPI - Hydropower

INI - Agriculture

0-20 Low investment needs. There are high levels of access to food and dependency on food imports is low
21-40 Moderate investment needs. Although undernourishment affects a small portion of the population is still a concern. Dependency on foodimports is moderate
41-60 Considerable investment needs. Undernourishment affects a considerable portion of the population. Dependency on food imports is considerable
61-80 High investment needs. There are low levels of undernourishment and dependency on food imports is high
81-100 Very High investment needs. Undernourishmet levels are alarming and dependency on food imports is very high

IPI - Agriculture

0-20 Low investment potential. Irrigation potential is fully/almost fully tapped and rehabilitation needs are low
21-40 Moderate investment potential. Irrigation potential is significantly tapped and rehabilitation needs are moderate
41-60 Considerable investment potential. Irrigation potential is not so much tapped and rehabilitation needs are considerable
61-80 High investment potential. Irrigation potential is fairly tapped and rehabilitation needs are high
81-100 Very High investment potential. Irrigation potential is hardly tapped and rehabilitation needs are very high

INI - Hydropower

0-20 Low investment needs. There are high levels of access to electricity and dependency on energy imports is low
21-40 Moderate investment needs. Although electricity access affects a small portion of the population is still a concern. Dependency on energy imports is moderate
41-60 Considerable investment needs. Lack of access to electricity affects a considerable portion of the population. Dependency on energy imports is considerable
61-80 High investment needs. There are low levels of access to electricity and dependency on energy imports is high
81-100 Very High investment needs. There levels of electricity access is alarming and dependency on energy imports is very high

IPI - Hydropower

0-20 Low investment potential. Hydropower potential is fully/almost fully tapped and rehabilitation needs are low
21-40 Moderate investment potential. Hydropower potential is significantly tapped and rehabilitation needs are moderate
41-60 Considerable investment potential. Hydropower potential is not so much tapped and rehabilitation needs are considerable
61-80 High investment potential. Hydropower potential is fairly tapped and rehabilitation needs are high
81-100 Very High investment potential. Hydropower potential is hardly tapped and rehabilitation needs are very high