
Civil Society
18 Jul 2013
Résumé: La FAO travaille depuis longtemps avec des centaines d’organisations de la société civile (organisations non gouvernementales, organisations communautaires, associations professionnelles, réseaux, etc.) dans des domaines techniques, des opérations d’urgence sur le terrain, la formation et le renforcement des capacités, et le plaidoyer en faveur de l’adoption des meilleures pratiques agricoles. Ces dernières années, les organisations de la société civile ont évolué en termes de coordination, de structure, de rayonnement, de mobilisation et de plaidoyer. De même, au cours de cette période, la FAO a réformé ses pratiques de gestion, revu son Cadre stratégique et insufflé une nouvelle impulsion en faveur...
16 Oct 2012
More than a billion of the world’s poorest people rely on forests and trees on farms to provide food, energy and cash income. By forming producer groups and cooperatives, forest farmers can take collective action and enjoy economies of scale.
16 Oct 2012
Agricultural cooperatives (AC) have proved to be an effective mechanism for engaging young people in agriculture while increasing youth employment opportunities through on-farm and off-/non-farm activities. As highlighted by the 2011 International Day of Cooperatives with its theme of “Youth, future of cooperative enterprise”, equitable and efficient ACs can play an important role in helping young farmers overcome specific challenges to engage in agriculture.
16 Oct 2012
Gender inequality in food production has costs for developing countries in both economic and social terms and at the household, community and national levels. Cooperatives can play important roles in overcoming the barriers faced by women and in supporting small agricultural producers. Evidence shows that efficient cooperatives have...