
The FAO Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership will brings together two technical advisory groups (TAGs) of experts for the development of new guidelines on circular bioeconomy approaches and ecosystem services in San Jose, Costa Rica from 28 to...
Local experts, including veterinarians, animal scientists, researchers, journalists, and many other professionals, actively participated in the last three training sessions on livestock and biodiversity held in Central Asia. These sessions were a collaborative effort between the FAO Livestock Environmental Assessment...
The FAO report "Methane emissions in livestock and rice systems: Sources, quantification, mitigation, and metrics" had its official launch during the Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation, drawing applause from over 150 policymakers, livestock and climate change experts, and...
First FAO Conference on the topic promotes intense debates on how to make production more environmentally friendly, supportive of rural livelihoods and able to meet the world’s growing protein needs...
Interview with Thanawat Tiensin, Director of the FAO Animal Production and Health Division