
28 Aug 2014
The Khalifa International Date Palm Award continues to encourage entries for the five categories of its seventh edition
Efforts to preserve and update knowledge on date palms have created an unique system that combines production and sustainability, safeguards biodiversity, and helps to improve the livelihoods of those who till the land. Since 1965, FAO is proud to be part of the efforts to promote date palms and recognizes that the United Arab Emirates are at the forefront...
14 Jul 2014
Observing the International Day of Cooperatives (IDC) 2014, with the theme “Cooperative Enterprises Achieve Sustainable Development for All” at UN Headquarters, New York
New York, 10 July 2014- Observing the International Day of Cooperatives (IDC) 2014, with the theme “Cooperative Enterprises Achieve Sustainable Development for All” at UN Headquarters, New York, representatives from governments, the UN System, the cooperative movement, the private sector and civil society organizations heralded the achievements of the cooperatives and the contribution they have made to the empowerment of people. Coming at a time when the international community is seized with devising a new development agenda – the so called Post 2015 development goals - the message was resoundingly clear –...
04 Jul 2014
Message of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations On the 20th UN International Day of Co-operatives
Message of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations On the 20th UN International Day of Co-operatives  5th July 2014   Worldwide, the important contributions of agricultural cooperatives to poverty reduction and the achievement of food security are becoming increasingly recognized. As autonomous businesses that are jointly-owned and democratically controlled by their members, cooperatives...
16 Apr 2014
Directives volontaires appliquées pour la première fois - belle réussite du partenariat FAO-UE
Un nouveau programme d'un montant de 33 000 000 EUR, visant à améliorer la gouvernance foncière et la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des exploitations familiales et des communautés vulnérables en Afrique subsaharienne, a été annoncé aujourd'hui par M. Andris Piebalgs, commissaire au développement. Ce programme sera mis en œuvre, entre autres, par l'application, au niveau national, des directives volontaires établies en 2012 par la communauté internationale en vue d'améliorer la gouvernance foncière.  Environ 1,2 milliard de personnes dans le monde vivent sans domicile permanent ni accès à la terre et aussi sans droits de propriété formels, ce qui sert souvent de...
03 Apr 2014
FAO–CATIE agreement highlights the importance of multistakeholders partnerships in implementing voluntary guidelines of tenure of land, fisheries and forests
Secure and equitable access to natural resources is key for sustainable development, and good governance of tenure is crucial in determining how people and communities acquire access and rights to control land, fisheries and forests.  An agreement signed  by FAO and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE) aims to foster dialogues, promote South-South knowledge exchange, and inform policies in order to enhance the responsible governance of tenure of land and natural resources, and therefore boost food security in developing countries.  “This partnership with CATIE will build the capacities of current and future leaders to create innovative strategies for the...
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