
South-south Cooperation
23 Jul 2020
23 July 2020 - The FAO-China South-South-Cooperation (SSC) Programme jointly with the FAO Global Action for Fall Armyworm (FAW) control and in close collaboration with FAO’s Office of Emergency and Resilience (OER) hosted last week the Programme’s first online joint formulation technical meeting. In view of the challenges posed by the covid-19 pandemic, the Programme is adapting and innovating its work modalities, guided by its three core values: inspiration, inclusion, and innovation. Representatives of four (4) host countries, namely, China, Ghana, Kenya, and Myanmar, and the Southern partner, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA),...
15 Jul 2020
With the aim to build capacities for research and development to achieve food security and nutrition, the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 15 July, 2020 to promote and disseminate best practices and innovations on sustainable agriculture, food safety and healthy diets.  Founded in 1976 by Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, UAEU is a public institution delivering undergraduate and graduate programmes at very high levels with the objective to promote knowledge creation, dissemination and...
Resource Partners
14 Jul 2020
La FAO a dévoilé aujourd'hui son nouveau programme global d'action et de relèvement face au COVID-19, qui vise à empêcher l'apparition d'une crise alimentaire mondiale pendant et après la pandémie du COVID-19 et à mettre au point des interventions à moyen et long terme en faveur du développement afin d'assurer la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition.
12 Jul 2020
FAO and the University of Florence sign partnership agreement
Rome/Florence – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and University of Florence (UNIFI) have agreed to partner in order to strengthen knowledge and expertise exchanges, capacity development and joint research in the areas of food security and nutrition, rural poverty reduction and sustainable agri-food systems.UNIFI is one of the largest public higher education and research institutions in Italy. The university conducts research and offers degrees in a number of areas that are closely aligned to FAO’s mandate, such as management of natural resources, tropical rural development, development economics and local systems, traditional landscapes and...
Resource Partners
11 Jul 2020
Ravageurs, conflits, catastrophes naturelles et pandémie de COVID-19 forment une combinaison désastreuse pour nos systèmes alimentaires
Les semaines qui ont suivi l’apparition de la nouvelle maladie à coronavirus 2019 ont été pleines de défis et d’incertitudes. Alors que les effets des fermetures de frontières et des restrictions de circulation s’intensifient dans certains pays et s’atténuent lentement dans d’autres, il convient d’attirer l’attention sur une composante essentielle de la santé mondiale qui risque d’entrer en crise à son tour: nos systèmes alimentaires. Ainsi que l’a déclaré Máximo Torero, Économiste en chef de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO), «Nous sommes tout à fait...