محور المعرفة عن الرعاة


FAO campaign vaccinates 14.5 million goats and treats another 3.5 million animals to safeguard the country’s main economic activity
In late January, while FAO was launching its annual livestock vaccination and treatment campaign with various government institutions across Somalia, nobody could imagine the rollercoaster of a year that 2020 would become. COVID-19, floods and insecurity were unknowingly set to complicate the implementation of this animal...
Through radio or in classrooms, cattle camp schools ensure education, and greater food security and peace
In South Sudan, livestock means life. As South Sudanese herders put it: here, cattle can chase away hunger. Over 65 percent of the population relies on livestock for their survival. Children grow up on milk. Families survive on meat, milk and...
The collaboration established under the “Pastoralist-Driven Data Management Systems” project
Pastoralist organizations have the full potential to manage complex information systems. This has incredible consequences on the impact they may have on decision-making. By collecting and managing data by themselves, they can contribute to better targeted and pastoralist-friendly policies as...
The result presentation meeting of the “Pastoralist-Driven Data Management System” project
Basic information is lacking about pastoralist systems across the world. Data on pastoral household composition or livelihood practices are missing or not readily available. This is especially true for nomadic and transhumant pastoralists, who are hardly accounted for by official...
The Livestock Environmental Assess Performance Partnership (LEAP)
The work carried out allowed us to address and advance the study and application of the LEAP guidelines for the evaluation of one of the aspects of the environmental performance of livestock in the pastoral systems of the semiarid Chaco,...