Центр знаний о пастбищном животноводстве


The first batch of 2 000 bags (70 kg bags of concentrate or range cubes) and 16 000 multinutrient blocks (2.5 kg) targeting 10 000 households to help maintain their breeding stock
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has flagged off distribution of livestock feed destined for Wajir, Marsabit, Kwale and Kilifi Counties in northern and coastal Kenya.  The initial batch of animal feed targets the worst-hit counties...
Местные общины нуждаются в поддержке, чтобы смягчить конфликты между людьми и дикими животными
Активное вовлечение коренных народов и местных общин в сохранение дикой природы является ключом к поддержанию биоразнообразия и обеспечению устойчивых средств к существованию в сельских районах, заявила сегодня ФАО по случаю Всемирного дня дикой природы.

Livestock are central to the livelihoods of the millions of pastoralists and agropastoralists living in southern and southeastern areas of Ethiopia, who now face the serious effects of a long dry spell following the failure of the October–December rains. Protecting livestock-based livelihoods is FAO’s...
FAO targets pastoralists in southern regions facing failed rains on heels of a calamitous El Niño
New drought across swathes of southern Ethiopia may jeopardize the East African nation's restoration of food security after the worst agricultural seasons in decades unless urgent efforts are made to shore up vulnerable households in rural areas, FAO warned today. While...
Over 50 institutions and individuals endorse “The Cancun Statement” calling for the promotion of sustainable pastoralism
Over 50 institutions and individuals endorsed “The Cancun Statement” calling for the promotion of sustainable pastoralism and livestock production for the conservation of biodiversity in grasslands and rangelands. The statement was presented at the side event titled “World´s Grasslands and Rangelands...