The FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit elected as a SDG Good Practice!
The FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit Team is very proud to announce that the Toolkit has been approved as a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Good Practice in June 2021 by experts of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA). This is an international recognition that the Toolkit [...]

Pesticide risks to soil organisms – new modules
Pesticides may pose a risk to soil organisms such as earthworms, springtails, mites and micro-organisms, which all perform important functions with respect to breakdown of organic matter and nutrient cycling in soils. Pesticides can also adversely affect soil biodiversity. Risks to soil organisms are therefore often evaluated before registering a [...]

Guidance on bridging of risk assessments
Conducting human health or environmental risk assessments of a pesticide requires considerable resources from a pesticide registration authority. Appropriate toxicological and environmental data need to be available; local estimates of exposure have to be made, either through an appropriate model or with other means; and staff needs to be trained [...]

New module on public health pesticides
In some countries, different regulatory authorities evaluate and register agricultural pesticides and public health pesticides. Typically, these ministries responsible for agriculture and health. The scientific background of the persons evaluating public health pesticides is therefore often different from those assessing agricultural pesticides and evaluation methods may vary. Furthermore, while many [...]

Working Group on soils
The assessment of the hazards and risks of a pesticide to soil organisms, biodiversity and ecological functions is a key aspect of the registration process in many countries. Risks of pesticides to soils are of a particular importance as they may directly or indirectly affect agricultural production.
However, so far, few [...]

Registration Strategies module updated
The Registration Strategies module in the Toolkit provides guidance to pesticide registrars about the overall approaches that a registration authority can take to evaluate and authorize pesticides. In many low and middle income countries, registration authorities have very limited human and financial resources. They need to find the best way [...]

Special Topic on HHPs
A new menu section has been included in the Toolkit: Special Topics. It covers technical subjects that are of particular relevance to pesticide registration.
The first special topic added to the Toolkit is Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs). These are pesticides that are acknowledged to present particularly high levels of acute or [...]

Terms & Definitions Toolkit section updated and expanded
Have you always wanted to know the difference between a risk and a hazard? Between the technical material and the technical concentrate of a pesticide?On special request of Toolkit users the Toolkit now hosts a greatly expanded section on Terms and Definitions which contains about 160 terms that are frequently [...]

Toolkit webinar 2/11/2016 recording available
On November 2, a one hour webinar on de the FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit was organised by FAO and UNITAR.The webinar, chaired by Mr. Gu Baogen of FAO, started with an introduction about the IOMC toolbox for Decision Making in Chemicals Management by Mr. Brandon Turner, of UNITAR.Next the FAO [...]

Working group on Product Chemistry
From 5 – 7 September 2016, FAO hosted a working group on pesticide product chemistry. Any new pesticide product proposed for registration in a country needs to be evaluated for its composition and physico-chemical characteristics in order to ensure that it meets specifications and is composed of active ingredients and [...]