بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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Case study


Agricultural producer organizations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip – An assessment of their agribusiness capacities and institutional environment

Strengthening agricultural producer organizations (POs) and cooperatives has been recognized as a key way forward to support farmers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (WBGS) and, in turn, promote food security, income generation and private sector development. Agriculture in the WBGS is characterized by smallholdings; there are just over 110 000 of these, and 90 percent are classified as small or medium-sized. The annual report on states that have limited or absent governance capability and are vulnerable to conflict or collapse. Yet, few would deny the extreme fragility of the WBGS given the conflict situation, a deadlocked political process [...]



Policymaking for agrifood systems transformation in Costa Rica

This brief provides a snapshot of agrifood policymaking in Costa Rica. It summarizes the government's efforts in achieving sustainable agrifood systems in recent years, highlighting economic, environmental and social aspects. Against the backdrop of the country's participation in the UN Food Systems Summit, and follow-up processes, it discusses the nation's agrifood policy coordination, multistakeholder engagement, and the importance of investments for sustainable agrifood systems.



Policymaking for agrifood systems transformation in Zambia

This brief provides a snapshot of agrifood policymaking in Zambia. It summarizes the government's efforts in achieving sustainable agrifood systems in recent years, highlighting economic, environmental and social aspects. Against the backdrop of the country's participation in the UN Food Systems Summit, and follow-up processes, it discusses the nation's agrifood policy coordination, multistakeholder engagement, and the importance of investments for sustainable agrifood systems.



تعاون منظمة الأغذية والزراعة مع الشبكات البرلمانية - العمل مع الربلمانيني لتعزيز األمن الغذايئ والتغذية والنظم الزراعية والغذائية المستدامة

تسعى منظمة الأغذية والزراعة، من خلال شعبة الشراكات والتعاون مع الأمم المتحدة التابعة لها، إلى إقامة شراكات وتعاون أوثق مع البرلمانيين، على اعتبار أن هذه العلاقات أساسية بالنسبة إلى عملها من أجل الوفاء بالالتزامات المتبادلة بشأن الأمن الغذائي والتغذوي، بما في ذلك الحق في الحصول على الغذاء الكافي. ويتسم الالتزام السياسي والتحالفات الرئيسية مع أصحاب المصلحة الرئيسيين بأهمية بالغة، وتقع الشراكات في صميم مهمة المنظمة للمساعدة في بناء توافق في الآراء من أجل عالم خالٍ من الجوع

Issue paper


Global science–policy interfaces related to agrifood systems: a desktop review of structures and common patterns

This background paper to the guidance that FAO is developing on strengthening science–policy interfaces (SPIs) for agrifood systems at the national level sets provides information about the structures and patterns common to global SPIs. It aims to: 1) provide a broad overview and comparison of how international SPIs work, 2) identify a set of categories that are relevant to the work of SPIs, 3) present a systematic, comparative analysis based on publicly available data, 4) draw preliminary conclusions based on findings, and 5) suggest further avenues for study. The conceptual framework identifies three key components of SPIs that, operating together, [...]

Issue paper


Rural women and financial inclusion - Technical guidance note

Improving the gender-responsiveness of design and delivery of rural finance interventions through innovative approaches and mechanisms is important for promoting rural women’s economic empowerment. This document highlights practical and actionable approaches from the sector in order to guide the work of practitioners engaging at country level to pursue the above objective. Part I of this Technical Guidance Note provides an overview of the main barriers and constraints that inhibit rural women’s financial inclusion. Part II offers a step-by-step approach to analysing the state of gender equality within a specific country or context, with the purpose of diagnosing potential entry points [...]



Developing and implementing a National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries (NPOA-SSF)

This Manual was developed to guide how to develop and implement a National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries (NPOA-SSF). These processes are unique because they ensure that the voices and concerns of small-scale fisheries are heard and allow them to actively participate in decision-making processes that shape their lives and livelihoods. In doing so, implementing an NPOA-SSF is an effective way to align legal frameworks with the provisions of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. These Guidelines unite social development with responsible fisheries, addressing the marginalization and vulnerability [...]

Issue paper


Social protection as a pathway to sustaining peace

Global crises are becoming the new normal. From climate change to the contemporary food price crisis, vulnerable populations – and especially rural people – are facing increasingly difficult odds of flourishing. Such challenges are even more pronounced where there is conflict, whose multidimensional nature demands to direct more attention to its drivers and impacts. Over the past decades, social protection has contributed to development outcomes, such as those related to poverty reduction, food and nutrition security, and gender equality. Besides, social protection systems have proven to be effective also in addressing covariate shocks, as exemplified by the responses to the COVID-19 [...]

Issue paper


National-level models to support the use of evidence in agrifood systems policy

In the context of global challenges such as climate change, conflict and environmental crises, all of which are exacerbating poverty and hunger around the world, there is a need for urgent action informed by the best available science and evidence. This background paper to the guidance that FAO is developing on strengthening science–policy interfaces at the national level sets out to provide an overview of existing models and activities used for developing and operating science–policy systems and supporting the use of evidence, to transform global agrifood systems. Emphasis is placed on low- and middle-income countries, but examples from high-income countries [...]



Le pouvoir de la gouvernance: un processus participatif a rendu un aquifère plus durable au Maroc

La plaine de Berrechid – connue comme le « grenier » du Maroc – a connu une intensification désordonnée de l’irrigation au cours des deux dernières décennies. Malgré les gains économiques immédiats, ce processus a provoqué la surexploitation de la nappe aquifère de Berrechid, dont plus de 95% de l’eau pompée est destinée à l’agriculture. En 2011, l’Agence du Bassin Hydraulique du Bouregreg et de la Chaouia (ABH-BC) – une division gouvernementale supervisant l’utilisation de l’eau dans les régions du Bouregreg et de la Chaouia, qui comprend l’aquifère de Berrechid – a commencé à négocier un accord de gouvernance de l’eau [...]