بوابة دعم السياسات والحوكمة

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Case study


Pour un environnement institutionnel et financier favorable à l’investissement par les jeunes dans l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires en Tunisie

En Tunisie, le taux de chômage des jeunes de 15 à 35 ans est très élevé, se situant autour de 35 pour cent, chez les diplômés du supérieur des régions de l’intérieur et en milieu rural, ce qui pousse un nombre important à l’exode et à l’émigration souvent au péril de leur vie. Par ailleurs, les régions de l’intérieur à dominante agricole et rurale accusent le plus grand retard de développement. Caractérisé par un vieillissement de la population des chefs d’exploitation et un faible niveau d’innovations techniques et organisationnelles, le secteur agricole peine à faire face aux défis de la [...]



Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and family farming

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all parts of society and livelihoods around the globe. It is though worth recognizing that disadvantaged segments of populations like rural young women and men will be impacted harder, nevertheless, when proactively engaged, they have demonstrated to be innovators in their own sectors to surmount the pandemic impact. As governments and development partners take steps to address the economic and social effects of COVID-19, they should not allow a reversal of the rural youth progress achieved in recent years in terms of inclusion in food systems, access to education, vocational education and training, and access to [...]



Migrant workers and the COVID-19 pandemic

The policy brief reviews the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrants working in agri-food systems and their families in rural areas of origin. It points out some of the policy implications and presents key policy recommendations. Measures affecting the movement of people (internally and internationally) and resulting labour shortages, will have an impact on agricultural value chains, affecting food availability and market prices globally. At the same time, large shares of migrants work under informal or casual arrangements, which leave them unprotected, vulnerable to exploitation, poverty and food insecurity, and often without access to healthcare, social protection and the measures [...]



Impact of COVID-19 on informal workers

The COVID-19 pandemic is a major economic and labour market shock, presenting significant impacts in terms of unemployment and underemployment for informal workers. In rural areas, the livelihoods of especially the self-employed and wage workers are at risk, because agri-food supply chains and markets are being disrupted due to lockdowns and restrictions of movement. Families might resort to negative coping strategies such as distress sale of assets, taking out loans from informal moneylenders, or child labour. Specific groups of workers, including women, youth, children, indigenous people, and migrant workers, who are overrepresented in the informal economy, will experience further exacerbation [...]



Women’s access to rural finance: challenges and opportunities

This technical paper aims to provide a review of the main demand- and supply-side constraints linked to women’s access to rural and agricultural finance, to then present the key strategies which can be adopted to address these challenges, while displaying examples of good practices and providing core policy recommendations to promote women’s financial inclusion

Issue paper


Enabling young rural women to participate in rural transformation in East and Southern Africa

This paper looks at the main characteristics of rural transformation and the current lives of young rural women in East and Southern Africa, and identifies the key actions necessary to ensure that they have equal opportunities to participate in, and benefit from, the process of rural transformation.

Case study


NUUS: Field Stories from Africa

In the race to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and attain the aspirations of the Agenda 2063 and the 2025 Malabo Goals of the African Union, young men and women are the key drivers in our combined efforts to reach the finish line on time. The 2014 AU Malabo Summit reconfirmed that agricultural transformation should remain high on the development agenda of the continent, emphasizing its instrumentality for an inclusive growth. The youth play important roles in promoting economic growth and shared prosperity in their communities and countries. Their energy, resourcefulness and optimism are powerful catalysts for them to be important [...]

Training & e-learning


Introduction to child labour in agriculture

This course gives an overview on the complexity of child labour in agriculture and aims to raise awareness on the importance and urgency of addressing the issue. It provides foundational knowledge to understand the topic and explores what is and what is not child labour, its causes and consequences, as well as the risks and the hazards children can face in agriculture. The course also offers preliminary suggestions on how agricultural stakeholders can address the issue in their work, encouraging learners to continue the course for more guidance.



Youth Agri-Food Policy Assistance

More than 70 million young people are unemployed worldwide and 160 million young workers are living in poverty. Rural youth and women, in particular, face significant obstacles in obtaining quality education and training. Many depend on agriculture for their livelihoods and face severe constraints without access to land, credit or markets. FAO has designed an integrated country approach to work with governments to design youth-inclusive agri-food development policies. Through capacity building, entrepreneurial support and investment promotion, countries can increase job opportunities in the agri-food system, boosting youth employment and ensuring a high-quality agricultural workforce.

Case study


Country gender assessment of agriculture and the rural sector in Samoa

The objective of the Assessment is to analyse the agriculture and rural sectors from a gender perspective at the macro level (policy), meso level (institutional) and micro level (community and household). The Assessment seeks to identify gender inequalities in access to critical productive resources, assets, services and opportunities. The assessment looks at the priorities, needs and constraints of both women and men in agricultural and rural communities, and the gaps that exist in responding to these issues. It also provides recommendations and guidance to promote gender sensitivity in future programmes and projects, and identifies possible partners for gender-related activities. This Assessment [...]
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