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Tool for agroecology performance evaluation (TAPE) − Process of development and guidelines for application: Test version

With the help of multiple partners, FAO has developed a global analytical framework for the multidimensional assessment of the performance of agroecology: the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE), which aims to: Inform policy makers, development institutions, and other stakeholders by creating references to the multidimensional performance of agroecology and its potential to contribute to multiple SDGs; Build knowledge and empower producers through the collective process of producing and sharing data and evidence based on their own practices; Support agroecological transition processes at different scales, in different locations and different timeframes by proposing a diagnostic of performances over time and by identifying areas [...]



A framework to assess the extent and effectiveness of community-based forestry

Well-performing CBF has the potential to rapidly restore forests in ecological terms and scale up sustainable forest management to the national level, while improving local livelihoods of billions of the most marginalized people around the world. The purpose of this framework is to facilitate assessment of the extent of CBF, the status with regards to the enabling conditions, and the impact of CBF on forests and local livelihoods at the country level. Thus, this assessment framework can serve to provide important insights into the successes, as well as the continued shortcomings of CBF at the country level. Also available in Spanish [...]



Políticas fortalecidas para la gestión del riesgo y adaptación al cambio climático

El sector agroalimentario nicaragüense es altamentevulnerable a los eventos climáticos extremos, y sumadoal contexto social, institucional y la poca disponibilidad deinformación climática para la toma de decisiones,constituyen un factor el alto riesgo para la EconomíaFamiliar.El proyecto se focalizó en el fortalecimiento decapacidades institucionales para dar respuesta a lasnecesidades de la población en situación devulnerabilidad, desarrollar procesos de innovación y latransferencia de conocimientos para adaptar la agriculturafamiliar al cambio climático y mejorar la resiliencia de losmedios de vida de la economía familiar. El proceso se llevóa cabo mediante el fortalecimiento de las capacidades yel acompañamiento técnico a las instituciones,particularmente en planificación, [...]



Global Conference on Tenure and User Rights in Fisheries 2018. Achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030

Marine and inland fisheries provide millions of people around the globe with food security and livelihood opportunities. Advancing knowledge on how the world’s marine and inland capture fisheries are accessed, used, and managed using various types of rights-based approaches (RBAs) is a crucial step towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and attaining food and nutrition security and livelihood benefits. The Global Conference on Tenure and User Rights in Fisheries 2018 created a neutral platform for a wide variety of participants, including government officials; fishers from industrial, small-scale and indigenous/traditional communities; fisheries-related stakeholders; nongovernment organizations (NGOs); civil society organizations (CSOs); intergovernmental organizations [...]



TAPE: Tool for agroecology performance evaluation - An update on activities

A tool has been developed to support agroecological transitions, at different scales and in different locations, through informed policy-making processes. It consolidates information on the impact of agroecological approaches, and aims to produce evidence on the performance of agroecological systems across the environmental, social and cultural, economic, health and nutrition, and governance dimensions of sustainability. It is complemented by a guidance framework for reviewing policy options for agroecology and to assist policymakers in assessing the multidimensional impacts of agroecological production systems. See also:  Tool for agroecology performance evaluation (TAPE) − Process of development and guidelines for application: Test version

Issue paper


Governance challenges for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation convergence in agriculture. Guidance for analysis. Governance and Policy Series

This discussion paper aims to help practitioners work in a more informed and politically sensitive way to integrate actions on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in agriculture. It illustrates some typical governance and political economy-related barriers that may hamper convergence or integration of DRR and CCA actions. It also provides guidance for in-depth governance analysis, putting the analytical focus at national and subnational levels, while considering the international context as an important factor for convergence. The FAO Governance and Policy Support series provides perspectives and concepts on critical governance and policy issues that are relevant to FAO [...]



Approches innovantes de gouvernance foncière locale, participative et transparente

Cette brochure se concentre sur l'analyse et la présentation de la première évaluation de la mise en œuvre, de l’opérationnalisation et des résultats obtenus par les plateformes locales multi-acteurs sur la gouvernance foncière, créées avec le soutien du programme des Directives volontaires dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal. Available in French only  

Case study


FAO + France: partnering for food security and prosperity

With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, FAO’s mandate has been reinforced and scaled up to a depth and scope that calls for a greater commitment in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Much still needs to be done in order to mobilize sufficient resources and support to meet the global necessities related to the eradication of hunger, malnutrition and poverty globally. Deepening our engagement with key resource partners and fostering new alliances with like-minded players is essential for generating real and far-reaching impact on the ground. This report provides a comprehensive overview of France's partnership [...]

Case study


Estudio de buenas prácticas de gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra en Guatemala

A la luz de las Directrices Voluntarias de Gobernanza de la Tierra (DVGT), el presente estudio analiza las buenas prácticas de gobernanza de la tenencia de la tierra, es decir, aquellas manifestaciones que demuestran la forma en que los actores locales, municipales y gubernamentales construyen y ponen en práctica mecanismos para el ejercicio de los derechos de tenencia de forma responsable, equitativa, transparente y sostenible. La tenencia supone un conjunto de derechos y deberes de una persona , o de un grupo, respecto a un determinado recurso, como la tierra, la pesca o el bosque.

Issue paper


Securing sustainable small-scale fisheries: sharing good practices from around the world

This document includes eight studies showcasing good practices in support of sustainable small-scale fisheries. FAO commissioned these studies aiming to share experiences and promote the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines). The case studies were also intended to promote participatory approaches – in line with the SSF Guidelines principles – and to promote increased interaction between research and fishing communities, including the use of traditional knowledge and participatory research. It is hoped that the case studies will inform policy and policy processes and, in this [...]