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water, productivity, yield gap ethiopia.PNG

Issue paper


Water productivity, the yield gap, and nutrition. The case of Ethiopia

The report uses a nutritional water productivity (NWP) framework to interpret the relationship between nutrition and water in the context of water challenges. It argues that higher yields – of both staple and nutritious crops – are possible, even in water-stressed areas. This will require an agricultural transformation that ensures that efforts to enhance water productivity are linked to the promotion of healthy diets.Increasing water productivity and stabilizing yields at realistic levels will also be crucial to increasing the resilience of farmers. Better coordination and timing of water and other inputs, notably fertilizers and improved seeds, is likely to enhance [...]




满足日益增长的粮食需求在世界范围内给水、土地和土壤资源造成压力。农业可为减轻这些压力贡献力量,助力实现气候和发展目标。可持续农业模式能够直接改善土地、土壤和水资源状况,产生生态系统惠益,减少土地来源的排放。实现上述目标需要精准的信息,更需要我们大刀阔斧地改革资源管理模式;此外还需要自然资源管理范畴之外的补充力量,以便协同增效,权衡取舍。 2021年版《世界粮食和农业土地及水资源状况》旨在介绍土地和水资源现状,着重指出风险,梳理相关机遇和挑战。此外,报告还强调了适当政策、机制与投资的重要作用。近期开展的评估、预测和情境分析表明,水土资源消耗加速,生物多样性损失愈加严峻。2021年版《土地及水资源状况》着重分析了土地、土壤和水资源的相关风险和发展趋势,提出了解决用户竞争、实现预期惠益的途径。报告介绍了最新的知识内容,提出了一整套应对措施和行动,可以帮助决策者做出合理决策,推动由退化和脆弱转向可持续和韧性发展。

Case study


Nature-based solutions in agriculture The case and pathway for adoption

Food system demands have increased exponentially in recent decades and are estimated to continue growing as global populations increase and economic affluence expands. However, the very foundation of a productive system – healthy lands and soils and clean water supply – is already under immense pressure. In fact, by the most credible estimates, up to 52% of global agricultural lands are now moderately to severely degraded, with millions of hectares per year degrading to the point they are abandoned by the land manager. The loss of productive land, coupled with increased food demand, pushes agriculture to be the primary driver [...]

Issue paper


Water and agriculture. An issues note produced for the G20 Presidency of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

This document was prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and inputs from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) as an input for the discussions of the 2020 G20 Saudi Presidency.



WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

Achieving Food Security in the future while using water resources in a sustainable manner is a major challenge for us and the next generations. Agriculture is a key water user. A careful monitoring of water productivity in agriculture and exploring opportunities to increase it are required. But how can we monitor the performance of water use in agriculture? FAO has developed a publicly accessible near real time database using satellite data that allows monitoring of agricultural water productivity.



Mejorando la gobernanza del agua en territorios agrícolas de países andinos con escasez hídrica

Se proponen cinco mensajes claves relativos a ámbitos de mejora de la gobernanza del agua en territorios agrícolas, a partir de un análisis de contexto (FAO, otras agencias ONU, otras fuentes), el desarrollo de los planteamientos sobre las oportunidades de mejora, la síntesis de los aprendizajes de los casos de estudio en Chile, Perú y Bolivia, así como el resumen de las intervenciones de representantes de instituciones gubernamentales, ONGs, la academia y la FAO en el diálogo subregional de septiembre 2020 sobre los casos de estudio:     La profundización de los ajustes en la institucionalidad     La adaptación de los instrumentos de [...]



A guide to forest–water management

Many people worldwide lack adequate access to clean water to meet basic needs, and many important economic activities, such as energy production and agriculture, also require water. Climate change is likely to aggravate water stress. As temperatures rise, ecosystems and the human, plant, and animal communities that depend on them will need more water to maintain their health and to thrive.Forests and trees are integral to the global water cycle and therefore vital for water security – they regulate water quantity, quality, and timing and provide protective functions against (for example) soil and coastal erosion, flooding, and avalanches. Forested watersheds [...]



Pastoralism – Making variability work. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 185

Pastoral systems have evolved to function with the natural environment and therefore with variability. By identifying variability as an entry point, this paper aims at (i) engaging FAO in the mainstreaming of pastoralism by establishing the understanding of pastoralism, and its systematic inclusion in the normal operations of FAO, and at (ii) presenting an evidence based narrative on pastoralism to a specialists’ audience. Two main points are made in this document: First, pastoral systems are emblematic of farming with nature. Second, pastoral systems make use of variability in inputs (the environment) by matching it with variability in their own operational [...]



Global assessment of soil pollution: Report

Soil pollution is invisible to the human eye, but it compromises the quality of the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe and puts human and environmental health at risk. Most contaminants originate from human activities such as industrial processes and mining, poor waste management, unsustainable farming practices, accidents ranging from small chemical spills to accidents at nuclear power plants, and the many effects of armed conflicts. Pollution knows no borders: contaminants are spread throughout terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and many are distributed globally by atmospheric transport. In addition, they are redistributed through the global [...]

Issue paper


Improved Water Resources Monitoring System/Integrated Water Resources Management at regional level in Lebanon. Informed decisions transferred to end-users to improve capacity for enhanced crop water productivity

In many areas of the world, including the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region and Lebanon, sustainable and reliable delivery of water for irrigation and municipal use has become increasingly complex. This issue also extends to affect the protection of the ecosystems from water pollution. The issue is more often related to the governance of the resources to manage and protect them from pollution and over-abstraction, resolve conflicts over water, and ensure rights to water are respected. It is also about understanding water flow pathways in complex river basin systems. This is where water monitoring and accounting can play [...]