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世界粮食不安全状况 2015 实现2015年饥饿相关国际目标:进展不一


Training & e-learning


Institutional and Political Economy Context Scanning / Stakeholder Analysis Drivers of Change [in: FAO Learning Module 2. FAO Approaches to Capacity Development in Programming: Processes and Tools]

This module concerns integrating capacity development into programming and covers the assessment process, engagement with stakeholders and tracking capacity development. Tools are provided. This module is the second in the series designed to improve Capacity Development (CD) approaches in projects and programmes of FAO. It includes examples and tools to support endogenous CD processes in the areas of FAO’s mandate. Practitioners also may draw on the other Learning Modules (see box 1) which cover tools from disciplines such as organization analysis and development, learning event planning, facilitation and instructional science. Learning Module 2 is organized around five major themes: engaging with national/local actors; analysing the context and [...]



Voluntary Guide for National Seed Policy Formulation

The availability of, and access to, quality seeds of a diverse range of adapted crop varieties is essential for achieving food and livelihood security and for eradicating hunger, especially in developing countries. This guide explains what seed policies are and how they differ from seed laws; describes the participatory process of seed policy formulation; the nature and layout of seed policy documents; key elements contained in seed policies; and addresses issues involved in their implementation. It is specifically intended for use by policymakers, national seed agencies, civil society, and public and private sector organizations, including national seed associations and farmers’ [...]

Issue paper


FAO's Work on Climate Change. United Nations Climate Change Conference 2015

This booklet presents the key messages of FAO on climate change and food security. It includes a synthesis of the most recent support provided by FAO to countries to face the impacts of climate change. It also brings together the most relevant knowledge on climate change including tools and methodologies FAO can offer to countries to report on their greenhouse gas emissions coming from the agriculture, livestock and forestry sectors.



Achieving Zero Hunger. The Critical Role of Investments in Social Protection and Agriculture

This paper provides estimates of investment costs, both public and private, required to eliminate chronic dietary energy deficits, or to achieve zero hunger by 2030. This target is consistent with achieving both Sustainable Development Goal 2, to eliminate hunger by 2030, and Sustainable Development Goal 1, to eradicate poverty. The study adopts a reference baseline scenario, reflecting a “business as usual” situation, to estimate the additional investment requirements. In this scenario, around 650 million people will still suffer from hunger in 2030. We then estimate the investment requirements to eliminate hunger by 2030. Hunger is eliminated through a combination of [...]



Food Loss and Waste Reduction. Agro-Industries Brief

A substantial proportion of the food produced for human consumption is lost through decreases in its quantity or quality, or wasted through being discarded when still fit for consumption. Food losses and waste have negative impacts on the environment, natural resource sustainability, and food and nutrition security. They also represent a loss of economic value for actors in the food supply chain. Value addition through processing and preservation is one of the avenues for reducing food loss and mitigating its negative effects. A wide range of challenges limit value addition by small and medium agro- industries in developing countries. These [...]

Case study


School Feeding and Possibilities for Direct Purchases from Family Farming. Case Studies for Eight Countries

This publication “School feeding and possibilities for direct purchases from family farming in Latin American countries” contributes to the articulation of the sectors involved with school feeding, in the search for alternatives for the institutionalization and strengthening of school feeding policies in the countries; it is also hoped that in the medium and long term SFPs can contribute to the human right to food (HRF) and to sustainable human development.



Key Recommendations for Improving Nutrition through Agriculture and Food Systems

Food systems provide for all people’s nutritional needs, while at the same time contributing to economic growth. The food and agriculture sector has the primary role in feeding people well by increasing availability, affordability, and consumption of diverse, safe, nutritious foods and diets,aligned with dietary recommendations and environmental sustainability. Applying these principles helps strengthen resilience and contributes to sustainable development.



Voluntary Guidelines for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries in the context of food security and poverty eradication. At a glance

Small-scale fisheries play a key role in ensuring food security and eradicating poverty. However, the overall development of the fisheries sector, as well as increased pressure from other sectors (e.g. tourism, aquaculture, agriculture, energy, mining, industry, infrastructure developments) with often stronger political or economic influence, has contributed to a decline in aquatic resources and threats to aquatic habitats, ecosystems and small-scale fisheries community livelihoods. Small-scale fishers, fish workers and their communities also face a myriad of other challenges and constraints, including unequal power relations, lack of access to services and limited participation in decision-making processes, which may lead to unfavourable [...]



Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication

The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication  (SSF Guidelines) represent the first ever international instrument dedicated to small-scale fisheries. They represent a global consensus on principles and guidance for small-scale fisheries governance and development. They were developed for small-scale fisheries in close collaboration with representatives of small-scale fisheries organizations in a participatory process between 2011-13, involving over 4000 stakeholders; facilitated by FAO, based on a mandate by COFI. They are directed at all those involved in the sector and intend to guide and encourage governments, fishing communities and other stakeholders [...]