
Budget Work to Advance the Right to Food

Authors: Ann Blyberg, Frank Mischler

Right to Food Methodological Toolbox / Book 5, 2009.

This Guide is a valuable tool for civil society, human right defenders, interested legislators and government institutions as it explores some of the many complex ways that government budgets relate to the realization of the right to food. It provides a 10-steps guidance for the process of building a right to food case, analysing the government budget and presenting a claim. It also examines three case studies in order to draw lessons to understand if a national budget is geared up to the use of the maximum resources for the realization of the right to food.

类别: 方法论工具箱
关键词: 评估, 粮食安全分析, 全球研究, 影响分析, 公共预算分析, 形势分析
