
Realizing the right to adequate food to end hunger and malnutrition in all its forms

Human rights are universal, including the right to adequate food, which is critical for the enjoyment of all human rights. States have the obligation to realize this right under international law. Measures to meet this right are being adopted, including its constitutional recognition in over 45 countries.

Despite important advances, hunger and malnutrition persist and have even worsened in recent years. This impacts the poor and vulnerable most severely, reflecting widening inequalities across and within countries. Recent crises highlight the fragility of agrifood systems, with the world at a tipping point regarding climate change and biodiversity loss.

FAO assists countries in realizing the right to food by providing technical assistance on policy and legislation, strengthening governance and monitoring mechanisms, developing capacities and agency of both duty-bearers and rights-holders, and promoting policy dialogue to ensure inclusive multistakeholder participation

