2015 Series of International Conferences on Food Loss and Waste Reduction

In 2015, several international conferences and meetings are being planned by different organizations. We highly welcome these events, as they keep the topic high on the political and institutional agenda and also facilitate the exchange of best practices and lessons.
There is an opportunity for us, as a community, to structure these events so that they reinforce each other and lead to substantive outcomes rather than just serving as platforms for discussions.
The SAVE FOOD initiative supports the coordination of the conferences in order to ensure a series of sequential events with complementary outcomes.
At the end of 2015, a coherent joint report will be prepared which provides a global overview of the deliberations, findings and recommendations of these meetings.
The SAVE FOOD Initiative will support the 2015 Series as follows:
- Attend/participate in each of the conferences, and prepare detailed recording and reporting of the discussions and conclusions.
- Develop a uniformed reporting format for the conferences with special attention to the results and outcomes.
- Share information, draft reports and other content for comments and inputs from partners. A final report on the Series will be prepared for publication and dissemination.
- Prepare presentations, promotional materials, and background and resource materials for hand-out at each conference.
- Announce and promote the Series as well as the Conferences individually through the SAVE FOOD Network and social media.
A webpage is dedicated to the “2015 Series of international conferences on FLW reduction”.
It contains links to the respective conference websites, and all background, resource materials and reports.