Социальная защита


In this heartwarming tale, meet Sandra Gómez Montaño, a dedicated 55-year-old fish processor, and the inspiring Platoneras, Afro-Colombian women vendors, who play a crucial role in providing essential nutrition for local families. Under the SOCPRO4FISH project, FAO and the Colombian Marine and Coastal Research Institute (INVEMAR) have joined forces to uplift...
Social protection has a key role in strengthening local food systems and in promoting inclusive rural transformation. At the 2021 Food Systems Summit, convened by the UN Secretary-General, Home-Grown School Feeding programmes were considered a game changer for strengthening local food systems around the world.  This publication analyzes the Kenya Home-Grown School...
Social protection is a human right, a commitment in the SDGs and it is an effective policy instrument to address the multiple crises we currently face like a changing climate, conflict and their links with poverty, hunger, and inequality. While progress has been made in expanding access to social protection, there...
If financial assistance to address climate change is used more for the social protection of rural communities, it will facilitate more equitable adaptation – and ultimately strengthen climate protection. Rising temperatures and increasingly frequent and intense weather events due to climate change are imperiling progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals...
Improving coherence between social protection and fisheries policies is a starting point to ensure that fishers’ needs are met, and vulnerabilities are accounted for. FAO recently published a framework guided by the SSF Guidelines to identify ways to make social protection and fisheries policies coherent.