Социальная защита


Work area: Social Protection and Resilience
Country: Zambia
This is the policy brief of a paper that investigates whether an increase in exogenous income through the Child Grants model of the Social Cash Transfer programme...
Work area: Social Protection and Resilience
Country: Malawi
Emerging evidence suggests that rural children, particularly older girls in low-income countries, are at risk of being withdrawn from school when weather-related disasters occur. Identifying actions that...
SPIAC-B calls for social protection to be placed at the heart of national and international responses to the high food price crisis and for massively increasing efforts to achieve universal access to social protection by...
A record 100 million2 have been forcibly displaced3 worldwide, and nearly half of them are children. Forced to flee their homes, children and families forcibly displaced are exposed to specific compounding vulnerabilities including loss of...
Work area: Social Protection and Nutrition
Данный инструмент по продовольственной безопасности и питанию Межучрежденческой оценки положения в области социальной защиты (ПБП ISPA) представляет собой основу анализа для оценки того, как инструменты и программы социальной...