Устойчивое производство продовольствия и ведение сельского хозяйства


Всемирный день окружающей среды отмечается 5 июня

05 June 2015

Дайте волю воображению и сделайте сегодня, 5 июня, что-нибудь полезное для окружающей среды в честь празднования Всемирного дня окружающей среды. Тема этого года – рациональное потребление:  «Семь миллиардов желаний. Одна планета. Потребляй бережно».

Let your imagination flow and do something for the environment today, June 5, to celebrate the World Environment Day (WED).
This year’s theme, “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care”, reminds us that we only have one planet and need to take well care of it. Already today we consume resources the equivalent of 1.5 planets, and if we continue in this manner, taking into account the growing population, we will need three planets by 2050 to maintain our way of living. This is not sustainable.
What we eat and how we produce our food has a huge impact on the environment. To avoid the risk of destroying the natural resources upon which our lives depend, it is necessary to adopt sustainable agricultural practices as well as changing our consumption patterns. The aim of WED is to raise awareness on the Earth’s limited resources and encourage responsible food choices.
What can you do? Buy only the food you need and choose products that have been produced in a fair and eco-friendly way, save leftovers for the next day and compost what you cannot eat.  All actions count and remember - every day is Environment Day!
WED is celebrated all over the world, and this year Italy is the global host. The main celebration takes place at Expo Milano  – the world exposition focusing on food and sustainability under the theme “Feeding the Planet. Energy for Life”. Expo supports WED showcasing state-of-the-art technology, ideas and solutions that can help guarantee healthy, safe and sufficient food for everyone, while respecting the planet.

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