
Chain-Wide Learning for Inclusive Agrifood Market Development - A Guide to Multi-Stakeholder Processes for Linking Small-Scale Producers to Modern Markets


This manual provides a methodology for finding ways to better link small-scale producers to modern markets. The manual can and has been used in training programmes and courses devoted to linking small-scale farmers to markets.  The manual is intended for market actors interested in creating direct links with small-scale suppliers, government policy-makers tasked with rural development, producer organisations working for their members, NGOs working for the rural poor, or researchers working to understand and support processes aimed at greater inclusion of small-scale producers. The manual is composed of five chapters: Chapter1: Introduction; Chapter2: Modern dynamic markets; Chapter 3: Understanding institutions and their influence on markets; Chapter 4: The methodology in practice: An overview; Chapter 5:  The methodology in practice: a step by step guide.

Countries: Non-country specific
Commodities: Non-Commodity specific
Topics: Information-sharing - trust and transparency
Personal author: Sonja Vermeulen, Jim Woodhill, Felicity Proctor, Rik Delnoye
Publisher: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Capacity Development and Institutional Change Programme (CD&IC) - Wageningen University and Research Centre
Category: Field-based materials
Level suitability: Advanced
Type: Learning material
Format: Document
References: EN
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