
Food Smart Cities for Development Recommendations and Good Practices

撰稿人: Food Smart Cities for Development

In 2015, the European Year for Development, the EU Commission decided to finance the Food Smart Cities for Development (FSC4D) project, which involves 12 urban areas over three continents which coordinated food policies and international cooperation activities until the end of 2016. The project is led by the city of Milan, with the involvement of the municipalities of Turin, Barcelona, Bilbao, Utrecht, Gent, Bruges, Marseille, as well as some civil society partners: People’s Expo, Equo Garantito, World Fair Trade, World Fair Trade Europe, Fair Trade Advocacy Office, Fair Trade Hellas, GRAIN and ACRA. The municipalities of London, Thessaloniki and Dakar and the departments of Antioquia and Medellin were associated partners. Food Smart Cities for Development was part of the EU DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) programme and was aimed at fostering the role of cities in changing the food production and consumption paradigm.

主题: Governance and planning, Sustainable diets and nutrition, Social and economic equity, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution, Food loss and waste
撰稿人: Food Smart Cities for Development
年份: 2016
种类: Reports & Case Studies
地区: Global coverage
資源格式: Document
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