
Riga: from food waste to healthy off-season food

撰稿人: FAO, EStà, Municipality of Riga
出版社: FAO

The Municipality of Riga decided to turn a waste landfill called “Getlini” into an innovative and ecological waste management site where food waste is transformed into energy. The heat produced is used for greenhouses’ heating to produce off-season tomatoes, distributed through the primary supermarket chains to the citizens of Riga. Getlini also became a place where citizens can be sensitized to responsible waste management.

主题: Food loss and waste
组织机构: FAO
撰稿人: FAO, EStà, Municipality of Riga
年份: 2018
种类: Reports & Case Studies
City (国家): Latvia
地区: Europe
資源格式: Document
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