Digital Agriculture Transformation Seminar

Srinivasu Pappula

Dr. Srini Pappula is currently Global Head of the Digital Farming Initiatives Group in Tata Consultancy Services, where he is responsible for driving the usage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for improving farmer livelihoods across the world through the creation of rural nuclei of growth called PRIDE (Progressive Rural Integrated Digital Enterprises). His ambition is to create technology-powered avatars of the Gandhian Gram Swarajya, thereby fostering village-level self-sufficiency, employment, innovation and growth, and making farming a profitable profession.

With over 28 years of experience, Srini possesses a varied experience in the technology sector having previously worked as a Senior Product Leader and General Manager at Intel Corp. in California, leading teams working on high end microprocessers and graphics chipsets, and as the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of a couple of successful start-ups in the Wireless Security space in the Silicon Valley, California.

Srini’s passion is leveraging technology, especially the Digital Five Forces of Social Networks, Mobility, Could, Big Data & Analytics, an dIoT, and management principles for solving problems and positively transforming the lives of people at the bottom of the pyramid, particularly in the areas of Agriculture, Healthcare and Education.