FAO Regional Office for Africa
AGRF 2012 builds on recent momentum to tackle global food security. The forum sets the stage for African ownership in the next phase of scaling agricultural development solutions and steering investment to build a sustainable food secure future.
Last month National Agriculture Fair (27-29 august). It captures the joint efforts for three UN agencies (FAO, WFP and UNWomen) with financial support from the PAA project using the Brazil resources. Title: “Leading farmers to better markets and business deals: FAO and sister UN agencies in Malawi show the way.” Focus: Trade,...
New FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva holds his first press conference since officially assuming his post. Prior to taking the helm at FAO, Graziano da Silva was FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Latin America and the Caribbean. A Brazilian agronomist and economist, he suceeds Jacques Diouf of...
The use of ICTs among people in rural areas in Africa is growing rapidly. Mobile coverage reaches further than roads, electricity, sanitation or clean water. ICTs - and in particular mobile technology - provide access to information and communication, complement successful development initiatives, drive innovation and empower communities and individuals...
FAO's members will meet from 25 June - 2 July for the 37th biennial FAO Conference, the highest governing body of the Organization. The Conference will elect a new Director-General at this session. The Conference will also declare that the world is free from the deadly cattle disease rinderpest. Ministers...