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FAO in Ethiopia conducted a hands-on laboratory training on antimicrobial resistance for national, regional animal health, human health, environment and private veterinary laboratories

It is critical to improve laboratory surveillance capacity for AMR through training and mentoring activities to detect AMR accurately and promptly, conduct surveillance for AMR priority pathogens and establish efficient epidemiological AMR surveillance data management. In addition, countries can mitigate the [...]

Multi-sectoral collaboration contributed to halving the sale of antibiotics in the UK livestock industry

New FAO report is published in partnership with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Significant success in tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in food-producing animals can be achieved if the livestock industry takes ownership of the issue and drives [...]

Ensuring Food Security and Food Safety through Farmer Field Schools in the poultry sector in Ghana

Ghana's intensive poultry production system is being expanded to meet the growing demand for animal protein from the rapidly expanding population. It also serves as an economic backbone for many medium and small-scale farmers in the livestock sector and appears [...]

AMR Codex Texts (ACT) project to be presented at the global conference in Korea

Codex standards and the AMR Codex Texts project will be presented at the 2nd MFDS Global Conference on AMR, which will take place in Seoul, Korea on 27-28 Sept. 2022...

The Global Leaders Group host side event at UN General Assembly on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

New York, NY (22 September, 2022) - Today, The Global Leaders Group co-chairs, Their Excellencies Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh and Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, hosted a UN General Assembly side event to discuss and address [...]

First FAO AMR course on VLC platform concludes

Virtual regional training on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from healthy food animals aimed to build capacity of laboratory & epidemiology staff 20 September 2022 BANGKOK | The first virtual regional training on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria [...]

FAO reúne diferentes experiencias a nivel mundial, frente al desafío de la concienciación y cambio de comportamiento para la RAM

El Webinario “Compartiendo conocimientos y experiencias sobre concienciación y comunicación del riesgo frente a la RAM” reunió a más de 150 participantes de 21 países. Y destacó la importancia de avanzar en políticas nacionales que hagan efectivos estos compromisos globales.  [...]

Community of Practice on Acaricide Resistance Management of Livestock Ticks

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) would like to invite you to join the Community of Practice (CoP) on Acaricide Resistance Management of Livestock Ticks. The Community of Practice (CoP) on Acaricide Resistance Management of Livestock Ticks provides [...]

FAO avanza en la sistematización de puntos de referencia de políticas para la contención de la RAM en la elaboración de piensos medicados

El proceso de validación se realizó con la OMSA, SENASA de Argentina y SAG de Chile, como parte de la estrategia para fortalecer la gobernanza de la RAM en la producción y uso de piensos medicados La FAO en el marco [...]

Mesa redonda público y privada: Políticas asociadas a la RAM en elaboración y uso de piensos medicados

FAO impulsa primer encuentro público – privado para atender los compromisos que nos impone la RAM, a partir de las confianzas basadas en el reconocimiento mutuo de las partes El pasado 28 de julio en Ciudad de México, bajo el liderazgo [...]

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