
AquaCrop, the crop-water productivity model

AquaCrop is a crop growth model developed by FAO’s Land and Water Division to address food security and assess the effect of the environment and management on crop production. AquaCrop simulates the yield response of herbaceous crops to water and is particularly well suited to conditions in which water is a key limiting factor in crop production. AquaCrop balances accuracy, simplicity and robustness. To ensure its wide applicability, it uses only a small number of explicit parameters and mostly intuitive input variables that can be determined using simple methods. Read more...

AquaCrop new Version 7.1 now available!


Standard AquaCrop programme with users' interface and database – version 7.1

This is the standard crop water productivity software model with Graphical User Interface (GUI) and database, developed by the Land and Water Division of FAO.

AquaCrop standard interface and database - version 7.1


AquaCrop stand-alone programme - version 7.1

This allows to run several predefined "projects" and to store results in output files for individual locations without using a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It can be used in applications where iterative or multiple parallel runs are required. A “project” is a text file which can be composed by the standard AquaCrop programme or created by the user by respecting the structure of the project text file. 

AquaCrop stand-alone programme - Windows - version 7.1

AquaCrop stand-alone programme - Linux - version 7.1

AquaCrop stand-alone programme - Mac OS - version 7.1





AquaCrop on Github

The AquaCrop version 7.1 core code is released as open-source Fortran code, and is available on GitHub for free and transparent access to the latest and future code development.


AquaCrop source code - version 7.1


AquaCrop on Github

How to use AquaCrop?