FAO in China

Grievance Mechanism for Environmental and Social Management

Grievance Mechanism for Environmental and Social Management

FAO is at the forefront of work towards developing inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems, and to protect renewable natural resources and ensure they are used in a sustainable and risk-sensitive way to meet society’s growing needs for food and other agricultural products, and create decent and resilient livelihoods.

In this context, FAO has adopted the Framework for Environmental and Social Management (FESM) in June 2022, which lays out the requirements related to the identification, assessment and management of multiple environmental and social risks and impacts associated with programmes and projects supported and implemented by FAO. Stakeholders involved in or affected by activities supported by FAO have a right to express their opinions with regard to the actions that affect them.

In the meantime, FAO China has appointed a focal point responsible for receiving and reporting on environmental and social issues, in complete confidence and in a conducive environment. Appropriate measures will be taken by the focal point to ensure complete confidentiality for all complaints. Appropriate complaint and feedback mechanisms has been set up to facilitate access to assistance and reporting mechanisms.

If you have any grievance or suggestion in this regard, please call us at +86 10 6532 2835 or email to [email protected]. Your grievance will be handled confidentially.