

Ren Zhengxiao, Director of China’s State Administration of Grain, met with Vincent Martin, FAO’s representative in China and DPR Korea in Beijing. In the meeting, Ren expressed his appreciation for FAO’s work in safeguarding global food security, especially in helping other developing countries with hunger and poverty alleviation. Ren also extended...
根据支持乌干达农业领域战略计划和蒙古国国家粮食安全计划南南合作三方协议及项目文件,乌干达、蒙古国南南合作考察团分别于9月4-17日和9月21-30日访问中国。两次考察均由中国农业部对外经济合作中心负责组织接待,向考察团成员提供了学习中国农业经验、实践和技术的机会,加强了乌、蒙两国合作伙伴的农业生产能力。 考察团与中国农业部对外经济合作中心、联合国�...
With 42 percent of the world’s population, the group of countries that make up the BRICS are in a position to shape agricultural policies that would strengthen global food security and transform rural societies and livelihoods, Kundhavi Kadiresan, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific of the...
FAO China Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) Office successfully held the 3rd China Field Epidemiology Training Program for Veterinarians (CFETPV) in Qingdao from November 2014 to September 2016.   In the past two years, the 18 trainees from 13 provincial centers for animal disease prevention and control and 3 national...
今天世界领导人就遏制对抗微生物药物具有耐药性的感染传播问题给予前所未有的重视。 抗微生物药物耐药性系指细菌、病毒、寄生虫和真菌对以前能有效治愈它们的药物产生抵抗性。 这是国家元首们第一次承诺要采取广泛和协调一致的方法在多个部门,特别是人类卫生、动物卫生和农业部门解决抗微生物药物耐药性的根本原因。这也是联合国大会第四次讨论卫生问题(其�...