Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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Classifications and Metadata Standards
Methodological standards
 STATLANT - STATistical Programme for the ATLANTic Fisheries (previously STANA) More
 CWP Member Organizations' use various instruments for the collection of capture fishery and aquaculture data from the national authorities including the STATLANT system of questionnaires. This system was introduced by CWP in the early 1960s and pioneered the use of... More
 The STATLANT system of questionnaires allows the reporting of data at varying levels of precision (refer also Fishing effort) including: STATLANT A questionnaires cover the reporting of annual catch data, requesting a breakdown of catches by species and statistical sub-division of... More
 STATLANT B questionnaires cover the reporting of annual data on catches and the associated fishing effort, requesting a breakdown by species, statistical sub-division of the FAO major fishing area, month of capture, fishing gear, size class of fishing vessel and... More
 Marine waters is intended to refer to oceans and seas including adjacent saltwater areas. More
 Inland waters may be used to refer to lakes, rivers, brooks, streams, ponds, inland canals, dams, and other land-locked (usually freshwater) waters (such as the Caspian Sea, Aral Sea, etc.). More
 EnglishFrenchSpanish Inland watersEaux continentalesAguas continentales Internal watersEaux intérieuresAguas interiores More