FAO in Ethiopia


22 September 2021
The Project will build the capacities of stakeholders and promote post-harvest technologies for maize, wheat, honey, and milk. Bahir Dar - With funding from the Korea International  Cooperation Agency (KOICA), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has launched a new USD 1.5 million project to improve post-harvest management of maize,...
16 August 2021
  Stakeholders assess the level of implementation of the joint animal and human health sector roadmap for the prevention and detection of and response to zoonotic diseases and other health events at the animal-human interface.   On 31 May 2018, a National Bridging Workshop (NBW) was conducted in Adama, Ethiopia, with the...
06 July 2021
FAO Ethiopia received USD 2 million from the United States International Disaster Assistance to support pastoral and agro-pastoral communities mitigate the negative impacts of desert locusts and COVID-19. About 98 000 households will receive vouchers that will be redeemed for animal feed and forage seeds that are expected to extend the...
18 June 2021
Northern Ethiopia is experiencing one of world's worst food crises. As of June 2021, about 5.5 million people in Afar, Amhara and Tigray are in high acute food insecurity, representing nearly 61 percent of the analyzed population. Of these, 353 000 people are in Catastrophe level of acute food insecurity...
27 May 2021
Funding to curb the spread of desert locusts and mitigate the impact on livestock feed, food and nutrition, security, and livelihoods Addis Ababa - The European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) has contributed €4.1 million to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)’s desert locust control programme in Ethiopia. With the...